Did you write notes in school? I mean, notes to your friends?
I can remember writing a lot of notes to friends in high school. (Which I find really interesting in hindsight as an ex-teacher! How did my teachers not notice us writing all those notes?!) Anyway I remember writing lots of notes – mostly to boys from memory.
Not “boyfriends” but friends who were boys. Not even boys in other classes necessarily – sometimes we would write notes and pass them back and forth, having whole conversations between maths problems or science experiments. And, of course, there were notes to girlfriends about the boys!
I found a stash of those notes when we moved house a few years back and threw them out but I wish now that I had kept them. They would paint an interesting picture I’m sure of how we thought as teenagers.
I don’t remember what all these notes were about now. I think we wrote about random stuff – what we thought of the latest movies or songs, maybe things that had happened with friends, plans for the weekend, the stuff of a teen’s life!
What I do remember is that we had a cool way of folding them up so they stayed closed even when passed along. Our pages were usually torn from our notebooks so they were lined rectangle papers.
I’m sure they were not anywhere near as cute as these writing papers I found over at Picklebums. These are very cute! They are a free download so find them here. I printed mine on A4 paper.
How to Fold an Envelope (that stays closed without glue)
1. Start with your rectangle sheet of paper with the writing side up – that way the writing will end up hidden inside.
2. Fold the top right corner down to the left hand edge to create a triangle.
3. Fold the left hand edge across to meet the right hand edge.
4. Turn the whole piece over.
5. Fold the bottom edge up about a third of the way.
6. The fold it up again, using the first edge as a guide.
7. Fold the top edge down to create a neat rectangle.
8. Tuck the point into the fold to keep the envelope closed.
9. I decorated my envelope with some cute washi tape (leftover from this project).
What a cute way to fold a piece of paper into an envelope, I’ve bookmarked this one, so I can do it from now on. Thanks for sharing. x