Hi! I’m Tonya Grant, the voice behind The Crafty Mummy. I dabble in lots of different crafts – patchwork, quilting, cross-stitch, papercrafts, knitting, crochet and sewing. This is the record of projects I have done, and the projects I dream of getting to!
I’m mum to 2 gorgeous kids and married to my best friend. We live in regional Queensland, Australia. Once upon a time, I was a high school Japanese teacher in Brisbane, and I have been known to teach a little piano, too. Some days you might find me answering phones and keeping the books in a medical practice, but right now my number 1 job is to raise my kids and look after my home and family. I wouldn’t change that for the world!
Little Miss is my 12-year-old daughter and Mr Happy is my 10-year-old son. Yes, they have real names, but no, you don’t need to know them. My husband rarely appears on the blog but is sometimes referred to as CraftyDaddy. He’s kinda shy but very supportive of my online endeavours.
I would love to spend my days sewing, my afternoons quilting and my evenings with my crochet on the couch, but in reality, I spend much of my time helping out in the school Tuckshop, hanging washing and vacuuming the crumbs that continue to magically appear under the kitchen table. Sounds like it could be a drag but really there is plenty of time to dream up new crafty projects!
This website started as a hobby but is now really a small part-time business. Yes, I make a little money out of the time I put in here. So please keep in mind that the occasional ads and sponsored content are what allows me to keep all the tutorials and information on here free for all of you. I hope you enjoy!
You can contact me via email, Tonya {at} thecraftymummy {dot} com or leave a comment on any post.Look for CraftyMummy on social media:

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