The last couple of years have been tough and it has taken its toll on my creativity. I haven’t really stitched or crocheted or sewn anything – other than buttons on shirts and mending! There has been a lot going on in my world and in the world outside Crafty HQ. I’ve been tired and anxious on so many levels that there has been no spare brain space for crafting. It has been kind of sad but at the same time, I knew in my heart it was a season and it would pass sooner or later.
Finally, I seem to be coming out of the tunnel and feeling creative again. I’m so excited!!
I’ve picked up a crochet blanket that has been waiting patiently for a looooooong time, and I’ve started a new rainbow cross stitch project.
You might remember the cross stitch rainbow blocks that I created years ago. They were a play with stitching that was vaguely based on quilt blocks but really just a play with pretty colours. I loved this project at the time and recently added the PDF pattern to my Etsy Shop so anyone can stitch them.
Then last week I picked up my iPad and pencil and started playing around with ideas for more blocks. Within days I had the design done so I started stitching.
The first is a series of diagonal stripes, and the second includes a hidden star.

Keep an eye on my Instagram feed as I share the rainbow cross stitch blocks – and I promise the pattern will go into my Shop as soon as I’m done!
Find some of the tools I use for stitching on Amazon here.

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