Daddy’s old shirt has become an art smock for Little Miss.
Step 1: “Acquire” old shirt from Daddy and dye it pink (dye about $7 from Spotlight)
Step 2: Cut off the collar and cuffs (and the buttons to save for some other use, if you like)
Step 3: around each cuff create a casing (by folding about 0.5cm, then about 1.5cm and stitching)
Step 4: Around the neck create another casing (by folding 0.5cm, then about 2cm and stitching)
Step 5: Thread elastic through each casing and stitch – make sure the neck elastic can stretch over the head
All done!
My Little Miss is 6 years old, so the length is fine on her, but a smaller Miss might need the length shortened a little.
This is a brilliant idea! I'm doing it for Nat, except for the pink!
Oh wait – I'll have to get my sewing machine out.
I'll turn it on and say, "Good morning sewing machine," and it will flash up little messages on its digital display like, "My intellect so far surpasses yours that I won't even bother to answer you. Straight stitch? I challenge you to press the right button."
And I might give up and use a stapler instead.
I'll keep you posted.