There is a special little boy scheduled to meet the world tomorrow afternoon.
He’s going to be beautiful.
I know because his big sister’s beautiful and his mama’s beautiful.
This is sneak peek at his present
Crafts. Sewing. Quilting. Crochet. Tutorials.
by Tonya Grant |Filed Under: Kids, Quilting Tagged With: Gifts, Kids Get a Weekly Update of all Articles
looks great. his mum will love it.
I look forward to seeing the finished version.
Hello, Thanks for follwoing my lil ol' blog! I'm also your newest follower! 🙂 HAve a great day! XOXO
This looks gorgeous, his mum will be over the moon with it.Look forward to seeing the whole quilt.
Some lovely fabrics used here!
That is beautiful, and as far as you not knitting much well we are even as I do not sew!!!!!
Hope to see the pics of that sweet baby boy.