I was born in the 70’s so I remember high school in the 80’s. I remember my brothers’ fluoro board shorts worn with colour changing T-shirts – you know the ones that changed colour if you put your warm hands on them long enough? I had braces. I had BIG glasses. I wore hot pink to my semi-formal and royal blue to my formal. I’m sure I wore bright blue eyeshadow too. Oh yes… the memories.
I learnt to craft in the 80’s too. My mum was happy to teach me whatever she knew – and she knew heaps as a former Home Economics teacher: crochet, knitting, embroidery and more. I had to sew a pencil case at school, and I remember playing with Fimo modelling clay, plaster of paris and a knitting nancy. I made a hooked rug with a picture of an owl. My grandma tried to teach me macrame and fabric painting with Hobbytex. I’d love to show you some of these beauties but alas, they seem to have been lost over the years.
But the skills have mostly stayed with me. I still knit and crochet and stitch.
Back to the memories… I couldn’t find the photo of me with braces and huge glasses. It does exist, but it must be at Mum’s place. So here’s a photo of the hot pink semi-formal dress. Gotta love those huge sleeves! I’m sharing this for Liz’s Senior Hottie links. Go on… share your 80’s senior hottie pics.
Or tell me about your crafting in the 80’s. Do you remember macrame, knitting nancy and Hobbytex? Could you sew in high school?
That color was so awesome. You looked great.
Thanks, Cindi. I’m not sure it was my best colour. At least I had my braces off by this photo. My senior school photo had braces and I insisted the Dr take them off before the formal photos.
Can’t share my school photos: I was married in 1977 and had my only child in 1986!
I bet you were busily knitting in the 80’s though!
I also learned to sew in the 80s during highschool. I like to sew dresses and skirts, but my favourite were shorts in wild decorator prints.
I can remember trying to make shorts but not doing them very well!
My mother taught me to sew and knit from a very young age. My neighbour (Dutch) taught me to crochet in my teens. I remember the BIG HAIR styles from the eighties, which I wore for years, cause is was easy for me to maintain with my hair type. Now I look like someone who doesn’t give a ……!.
As some of the 80’s seemed to be coming back recently, I wondered whether the BIG hair would come back too. I’m not sure it has though.
I had a bright pink dress as well only I got mine after high school 🙂 You look very pretty in it. I wasn’t very crafty in the ’80s as I was working my first job – although I was working in cosmetics. Does that count? In the ’70’s I did macrame, ceramics, leatherwork, and cake decorating. In the early ’80s I did my very first scrapbook for a beauty contest I was in and I won the scrapbook contest so I guess I did craft in the ’80’s just not all that much.
I’m not surprised to hear you won a contest with your first scrapbook, Tammy. Your work is lovely!
I tried cross stitching in the 80’s. I was never good at it.
But I think you are pretty creative – some of your posts are hilarious!
That dress covered almost all of your body! It was quite pink. 🙂
I wish we got to see the glasses!
Thank you so much for scanning and linking up!
The glasses were huge! But I can’t seem to to find a photo – sorry! Not sure why they aren’t in any photos because I wore them until just before I got married. Maybe even back then I thought they were huge
Oh, I had this dress made (does it have a V at the back?) – for a uni ball (I’m a bit older than you!) in the ’80s. Love it. That hot pink is so back for summer!
My clever mother made mine so quite possibly you used the same pattern.
What I perhaps should not admit to the world is that this dress is still hanging in the back of my wardrobe… I’m not sure I’ll be pulling it out for summer!
Love the pink dress!!
And nope…. I couldn’t sew or do a whole lot of crafty things in high school! As a matter of fact most of the crafty things I do I’ve only recently learned.
Its never too late to get crafty, Jackie!
I too have similar. Only it’s red, full length, with a v front. I removed the fabric roses from the sleeves and bottom during uni, and yes it still hangs in the wardrobe. though I don’t think that i will ever have occasion to wear it again. made by my mum, altered by me. and it still fits !!
thanks for making me smile