So today I popped over to Key Lime Digital Designs to share 10 of the tools that keep my blogging organise and give me more time to create. Some are WordPress tools like ReplyMe and G.A.S.P. while others are general tools like About.me and the HelloBar. Hopefully there’s something there for everyone to try.
Check out Kendra’s gorgeous blog designs while you’re over there – she’s super clever!
What tools do you use to keep your blogging from overtaking the rest of your life?
Oh cool, thanks for the tip, i’ll go over & check out the tips, always after short cuts to free up more time for sewing, love Posie
Absolutely, Posie. The more sewing time, the better!
Great post! You clever thing you! {Tee hee – I had typed in ‘Cleaver’ rather than ‘Clever’ thought it would amuse you.. re: Jugs}…
Tee hee. We could add some of those things to your blog… like commentluv?