It amazes me sometimes that there are people who read my blog – again and again even! I never imagined when I started blogging that there would be so many readers out there – people who have never met me but still read and comment on things I make and share. I often wonder who you all are and where you live…
So today’s your chance to make my day!
Leave me a comment – come on, you know you can work out how to!
Tell me where you hang out – maybe your blog or FB or Twitter or your shop.
I am very curious to know – especially you “lurkers” – you know who you are!
If you’re reading in a reader or email, you can click on the blog post title to come to the blog and comment.
Shamelessly copying this idea from Suger Coat It
Ok, I’ll admit it. I’m a lurker. I follow 175 blogs thru Google Reader. I keep up by relying on the titles of the post to tell me if it is something interesting that I’d like to read. If not I go on to the next title. I have 7 blogs that I read faithfully every day. I visit Facebook once a day to read about what my friends & relatives have to say. I don’t blog, Twitter, or have a website. I’m retired but can barely keep up with Google Reader – I don’t know how others do it & still have a life off the computer! I’m a lurker. Good enuf for me!
Hi Annmarie, I knew there had to be a lurker or two out there! Thanks for commenting though. There are so many lovely blogs out there, aren’t there?
I’m here, I’m here! (I feel like a Who in Horton Hears A Who)
Don’t have a shop (yet), and mostly hang out on Plurk for social media. And some facebook. But usually would rather hang out in person! 🙂 But I love reading crafty blogs that spark my interest and KEEP IT, and you keep my interest. 🙂
Thanks, Camelama. Glad to hear I keep your interest. Let me know when you start your shop – that sounds exciting!
I have been reading your blog for a long time and really enjoy it – in fact I won a card case in one of your giveaways. I am not good about commenting and really should comment more – if for no other reason than to show my appreciation!! I am not big on FB or twitter but I do really enjoy reading blogs and yours is one of my favorite – thanks for a job well done.
Thanks, Anne Marie. I hope you enjoy using your card case! I made some more recently so maybe I should give away another one soon. Thanks for commenting.
You know me! Reading your blog and loving it. And hanging out on fb lots more than I should.
Hi Jodie. Thanks for giving me more ideas of things to make – then I can write about them too!
Hello! I follow your blog on facebook and really enjoy your creativity. I quilt and crochet and my blog is Thanks for the inspiration!
Thanks, Luci. I’m popping over to check out your blog right now!
I’m sure you know me. I’m Sophie, I live in South Sydney, I blog at, and twitter at @mylittlegumnut, facebook is also Little Gumnut (under the website classification) and I have an etsy shop set up but only just getting started… I’m just starting (this week) to make and sell at my friend’s market pitch! Yay!! I got my first order of 10 bags today! Love coming here for inspiration. Love your business cards, just got some printed up for myself in preparation too!
Hi Sophie. I do “know” you. I just popped over to your shop and added you to my “circle”. I don’t use Etsy much – my shop is on Madeit instead – but there are some gorgeous things hiding over there.
I’m Sonia from Southern California, were I’m so happy to have Electricity today!!! I love your blog! Your doing a great job! This is also a wonderful idea to get people to Sound off!
Hi Sonia. Glad to hear you have electricity back – was it gone for long?
We were a part of the lucky few, our lights came back on at 7 PM. Most were out until midnight. It was 114 degrees that day, we were all melting. Really opened our eyes, as to how unprepared we are for an emergency.
I stopped a long time ago buying magazines, instead I enjoy reading blogs, fun, chatty ones just like this one. I rarely comment, maybe I should make it one of my to do things for the rest of the year. I live a few hours drive from you, so does that make us neighbours 😉
Hi Jan. I’d say we’re definitely close enough to call ourselves neighbours! Thanks for taking a minute to comment. I stopped buying magazines too – I figured why pay for something to read when there is so much on the Net.
Hi :-), I am a “lurker” :-), have been for a very long time. I follow you on FB and in my reader and often just look at past posts too. I read a lot but have about 10 blogs that are my fav ones, yours is one. I started getting back into sewing and wanting to pick up other crafts after reading all these lovely crafty blogs. I started my own blog just to give me an outlet to share and learn from others but still very small and not sure where I am going with it yet. Have stopped and restarted already :-). My little ones are being a handful at the moment so have had to put my wee shop on hold for now but still sewing a bit for friends :-). You have a wonderful and very helpful blog!! Tanya x
Hi Tanya. Now you have 2 followers on your blog :o) Can’t wait to see more of your cute bags!
Hi CraftyMummy, I still lurk here all the time! I have loved seeing your blog grow bigger and better all the time! Myself, I have crafted a lot in my life … knitting, crocheting, tapestry, long-stitch, cross-stitch, card-making, LOTS of beading, scrapbooking … but maybe it’s easier to list what I haven’t done … quilling … uh … there’s sure to be some more …
But I’m not really doing much right now, and that’s cool for me. I’ve crocheted scarves this winter and I have fabric sitting on top of my sewing machine for aprons for a little boy who’s So Totally Over Bibs, but at the moment, I’m gardening!
Right now I’ve got passionfruit, strawberries, one last crop of cauliflower (not looking promising), carrots, beetroot, seed potatoes, sweet corn, dwarf beans, snow peas, rocket, capsicum, blackjack zucchini, lettuce, cucumber, big tomatoes, and cherry tomatoes. I’m going out on a limb this year and growing all the new plants from seed instead of seedlings. The easy ones are up already (snow peas and beans) but I’m nervous about some of the others.
Where do I hang out? At my blog, which I don’t usually get to until after the kids are in bed, and I try to visit all my peeps every day! Loving “The Crafty Mummy” – keep up the good work!
Hello Mrs De Elba! Thanks for writing me a huge comment! Your vege garden sounds fabulous – it didn’t get blown away in yesterdays big winds? Hope not.
By the way, thank you! I realised after we came home the other day that I now have a little boy who can correctly pronounce his last name! Priceless!
After your funny blog “hello, are you here” I just had to write a comment 🙂 I really dont know how I found you, but like Annmarie I have you on my Google Reader, where it is easy to check every 2nd day or so who has a new post. I live in S.E. Victoria, and sew every day (in between reading blogs!) walk my dog, and my other passion is “tiny voice so no one can hear me” – lawn bowls! One of those sports people dont own up to, but there I’ve said it. I have a little business on facebook that I love, mainly making clutch bags. Come check it out some time.
Chris x
Hi Chris. Your clutches are beautiful! I love the grey and green one you have in the “available now” folder. I would love to sew every day but I’m happy right now with most days.
I’m a lurker, not because i don’t have comments but because i’m a rambler and feel all my comments are short stories lol (yep even when i am speaking i’m a rambler!) see i’m already doing it!
I don’t have a blog, shop. i’m on FB and Twitter though… I’m currently doing a counted cross stitch of Tinkerbell (although there are no actual cross stitches in them just half, quarter and back stitch) this will be mounted and framed for my princesses room at which time i also have to mount and frame the Mickey Mouse i just completed for my youngest two boys room. I’m not a sewing person but i have a skirt and shorts pattern transferred onto brown paper and ready to cut out of material and stitch. I also have plans to teach myself to crochet, i can knit but can’t keep my tension even in it.
Hi Leila. I’m moe than happy to have “rambley” comments! The Tinkerbell cross stitch sounds pretty – I used to do lots of cross stitch but haven’t done much lately. I’d love to see a pic when you’re finished.
Almost done, just have to complete the left hand side wing and we are finished! Mickey Mouse (and a few other creative things i have done in the last 12 months or so can be found in this FB album if you are interested in taking a look
Have to get the skirts and shorts sewn so i can get started on my next project with the little ones… going to create and stitch an individual Christmas theme onto calico pieces i have cut to make a basic santa sack/bag for each of the kids… really want the older 3 to create their own designs and have a go at least of the stitching… Then i can head out with them and buy some Christmas material (or colours at least) so we can cut out the letters of their names and stitch those onto the tops… or so the plan is anyway lol (See rambly again hehe)
What a fun idea! I am a reader of your blog. Love crafty things.
I write at The Activity Mom –
And my etsy shop, Time for Tots, can be found at:
Love your activities, Activity Mom! The idea of a human sized board game is very clever. I’m filing that one away for a rainy day on the school holidays. Better yet – I pinned it to my “things to do on the holidays with the kids” board on Pinterest.
Your blog is one of my daily reads! You always have great inspirations! Thanks for that 🙂
My online home is at My physical home is in Arizona. We’ve been having 100 plus weather. Except today…. so I’m on my way to take the kids to the park and then hit the local used book store. Thanks again for being inspirational! 😀
Carla, your blog and your quilts are amazing! I just spent 10 minutes scrolling through all the lovely pics. Sorry to hear you’ve been sick – me too. Hope you’re feeling all better. I’m going to put aside some time to go and look through all your posts!
Hello, I’m mostly a lurker too! I do enjoy your blog though
I’m all over the place as feltbyrae – that’s FB & Twitter and my blog is…. I’m hoping to get back to more blogging and commenting after October when I’ve taken (passed I hope!) my massage exams
Good luck for your exams, Rae. As a woman married to a serial exam-taker, I understand how stressful they can be. Now I’m off to lurk on your blog ;o)
Bem, sou um pouco luker, mas só um pouco. Sou fã de seu blog e de outros poucos que leio diariament. Também estou no facebook e muito pouco no twiter. Gosto muito de blogs que falam sobre craft, decoração, arquittura e fotografia. Tenho um blog que começou para mostrar meus artesanatos, mas acabou virando um blog de decoração. Moro em Porto Alegre-Brasil e sou Argentina.
Um abraço
I love Google translate! Here’s what Lili said:
Well, I’m a little lurker, but only a little. I’m a fan of your blog and few others that I read it every day. I’m also on facebook and very little in the tweet. I love blogs that talk about craft, decoration, arquittura and photography. I started a blog to show my craft, but eventually became a decorating blog. I live in Porto Alegre, Brazil and Argentina Am.
a hug
Thanks Lili! I love that a passion for craft and sewing and blogging goes beyond language!
I guess you’d call me a regular commenter – a blogger and Ravelrer (never2hot2knit) but not on any other social media!
You know, Lynne, I think you might be my most regular commenter! Thank you!
Hi there!
I pop into your blog regularly every now and again (and love it when you do the same to my blog, thanks!) having discovered it via our very cool mutual friend! I’m not really a crafter at all. I’d love to be, it’s been a long term desire of mine to learn how to quilt. With triplets on the way I suppose that dream will continue to be shelved for awhile longer. In the meantime I’ll continue to admire your handiwork and dream of the day where I produce something super special!
Hi Caitlin. Thanks for visiting. I know a lovely local craft group that would have a babysitter for the triplets. They could play with Anna’s twins ;o) Except Anna’s twins will be at school by then but the babysitter would still be there – and hopefully Anna!
Hmmm, interesting! Sounds fun! Remind me in 6 months or so!!! Or maybe a year, or two. Wonder how long it will take before I can start indulging in my own life again… !
It’ll probably happen quicker than you expect, Caitlin.
Hello! I’m an email subscriber and love reading your blog. I have several of your links on both of my blogs Coupons, Crafts and Causes and Indiana Inker on various pages. I am a Coupon Coach and Author in East Central Indiana. You can subscribe to either of my blogs via email and I also have fan pages for both blogs on Facebook and Twitter. Hope you’ll stop by and take a look around. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to reading future posts.
Hi Kelly. Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment on my “Roll Call”!
Hi! I just found your blog via Digital Parents’ Sewers group 🙂 I’m a baby quilter… of the just-started-variety as opposed to quitling just for babies. Although ironically that was my first project – 2 baby quilts for friends. Anyhoo, thought I’d better say hello too!
Alyce – Blossom Heart and JustSewBlossom
Hi Alyce. Thanks for dropping by! I’m off to visit your blog right now…
I’m a lurker. I have you in Google Reader and can’t remember how I found you but it was a link from another blogger. I like the tutorials and pictures of your projects.
Thanks for commenting, Sue. Its nice to think that there are people out there quietly reading my posts and enjoying them!
I found you on Facebook… I’m a SAHM and love looking at Crafty pages and Blogs. I recently started my own page but have struggled to find the time to keep it regularly active. I have rekindled my love of sewing and look forward to making lots of things. And I’d love to get better at knitting and maybe one day try crocheting.
That’s about it I thing! And I’m from Brisbane!
Hi Dana, Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to comment. If you want to try crochet, the shawl I just started is super easy – perfect to begin with! But it’s getting pretty hot there in Brisbane I hear so maybe not the best time of year to work with snuggly wool.
I just found your blog and I’m catching up by reading the archives.
I don’t have a shop yet but I’m getting ready to open an Etsy store and
sell some of my crochet items.
Hi Linda. I only started my shop relatively recently, sort of as a spin off from my blog. I’ve Etsy is super easy to use too though.