This post is really to announce my HP giveaway winner, but the ideas that the entrants shared were just so great that I had to share them with you.
So here’s what they suggested to keep the kids amused in the holidays:
Deb said…
My kids are very into arts and crafts so one of the best ways I keep them happy over the holidays is free access to supplies – they create story books, artwork, cards, paintings, 3D creations out of everything from pipe cleaners to modeling clay.
Bronwyn said…
My kids love cooking, and especially if it involves cutting shapes out of biscuit dough. They are more interested in that part than in eating the finished product!
Jeanne said…
I drag them outside. Usually we have snow by Christmas but not this year. I’ll be organizing a couple of street hockey games this year. I may even have to drag out the scooters and bikes to keep them busy and active!
Val said…
I hope I qualify with grandchildren! I have a big list of options to keep them from being bored – jigsaws, colouring-in, board games, pool and bobs, books to read, then there’s always the beach and the grass slides.
Elise said…
I have an outdoor kit that is brief to pack up, and simple to set up. Artists easel permantly set with butcher paper with a nearby clothes line for art work. 8 Containers of playdoh and old kitchen utensils on a table, a crate of balls, mitts, bats, paddles, ankle elastics etc, and lastly a table full of different bubble blowing equipment. I put this stuff out each fine day, and the kids gravitate outside so quickly and tend to stay out there. None of it is precious so they can’t do any harm and all of it is accessible so it gets used.
Anna said…
Take them outside and let them run around…. preferably at a cafe with a huge lawn area so you can have a cuppa and a chat while they kick a ball around.
Mandy said…
picnics in the park are good, especially at this time of the year. but on a hot day its always good to go in the morning (morning tea) before it gets too hot.
Simone said…
My three little people are not in school yet so they are always on holidays
I could with some good ideas myself but my twins love making mailboxes out of an old cardboard box and then making postcards and stamps etc. We even once made the hanging kind and attached them to their bedroom doors, they thought it was great fun!
Jodie said…
These look great! Our secret to holiday sanity is going out somewhere most mornings. A trip to the park or shops really breaks up the day and keeps us happy. These holidays, we’ve decided to do some ‘homework’ every day. N is keen to get ready for Prep, so we’re playing around with learning some sight words.
Jeny said…
Activity craft packs are a great idea. Fill a ziplock bag with all the supplies they would need to make a certain craft.. and you can create a few different bags with different crafts.. and let them pick one out and make it.
Nicole said…
My daughter loves craft, we have a special craft table that folds into the wall, she loves to create on it. My boy keeps entertained with Lego for hours.
Marcie said…
We do a fair amount of simple crafts (felting, finger knitting, etc.), but my old restless day standby is a good, long scavenger hunt. Before my girls were able to read, I made up rebuses (picture sentences) for them as clues–now they are older and are able to decipher wacky written hints I give them. Great times!
Nicole said…
Cooking, all sorts of yummy treats! Heaps of different craft (google is wonderful for finding new projects). Lots of walks outdoors, and lots of outdoor games, trips to local parks and of course picnics – in parks, at the river or in the backyard!
SewSurprising said…
Birthday parties keep everyone amused. Posters painted, lots of balloons, pass the parcel and of course cupcakes, and all the goodies as well as a birthday cake. Its never really any childs birthday, but what child doesnt love the fun of a party
Jos said…
I teach my girls how to sew! One is now able to make her own clothes & bags & the youngest is wanting to learn how to make stuffed animals! Sewing & crafting keeps them entertained for hours! I also let them draw all over the driveway with chlak, we hose it off & they start again!
But now the important bit!
The two winners of the $50 gift cards from HP are Anna and Bronwyn. Congratulations! I’ll email those out to you today.