FatMumSlim is running a photo a day challenge for the month of January. Each day there is a topic and the idea is to take a picture and share it (or not). I have been sharing on Instagram and Facebook but I thought I’d collect the first few days and share them her as well.
Day 1 – You
Me now and me a few years ago…
Day 2 – Breakfast
Not mine! The kids got lucky…
Day 3 – Something you adore
My sewing space
Day 4 – Letterbox
I should trim those spiky plants back one day…
Day 5 – Something You Wore
One of my favourite colours
Day 6 – Makes You Smile
Fabric – always!
Day 7 – Favourite
My favourite stitching project – a wedding present for us
Have you been playing too? Where have you been sharing your photos?
Hi Tonya
I’m not sure if you’re aware of this but your blog often sends just headings of you r blog posts to Google Reader, often ones that I’ve already read. Heading only, and sometimes up to half a dozen titles. Email me if you need more info.
Thanks Doloroes. I noticed it started doing this a while ago. I can’t work out why. I think it is a glitch within Feedburner which is the site I use to send out my RSS feed. I wish I could find an answer because it annoys me so I’m sure it annoys other readers too!
oooh I like, I might just join in (if I can remember to!!). Have just been over to follow the action!