Our Little Miss turned 8 this week. Which means I’ve been a “mummy” for 8 years. I was “crafty” way before that!
A morning tea was in order but we had to keep it small due to the unpredictable weather. Nevertheless, yummy food was a must so I baked. My trusty Donna Hay cook books once again came in handy. They have become my “go to” recipe books when I have something in mind to try. I tried a new recipe for cookies done in the food processor from this book:
The recipe was easy and quick, and the addition of rolled oats, choc chips and sultanas (instead of the raisins they suggested) made them chewy and more-ish.
These raspberry and white choc muffins are something I make a lot. (And they don’t usually look as fuzzy as in this photo!) They freeze really well so I often make a batch at the start of the school term and use them for lunch boxes. The recipe is for blueberry muffins, but I use frozen raspberries and white choc chips. This recipe has sour cream in it and always seems to be nice and moist. It comes from this book:
Along with the home baking, we had chips and lollies and fizzy drink. After all, it’s not a kid’s birthday party without those!
I haven’t written about baking for a while because I haven’t been doing much, but I hope to try more new recipes this year, so stay tuned for those. Don’t worry, though: there will always be mostly crafty posts around here!
Note: I was not compensated for my opinions on these books. They are just a couple of my favourites. Clicking on the books will take you to Fishpond via my affiliate links however.
I expect to be baking chocolate cake tomorrow for more birthday celebrations. Do you bake for special occasions?
Happy birthday Miss 8!