FatMumSlim is running a photo a day challenge for the month of January. Each day there is a topic and the idea is to take a picture and share it (or not). I have been sharing on Instagram and Facebook. I shared Week 1 photos , Week 2 photos and Week 3 photos previously. These are my Week 4 photos.
Day 22 – Your Shoes
Actually I cheated a little – these are back to school shoes
Day 23 – Something Old
Our antique cabinet
Day 24 – Guilty Pleasure
Going to the movies without the kids
Day 25 – Something You Made
Card cases to go to Handmade Highstreet
Day 26 – Colour
Day 27 – Lunch
Made by hubby and all gone
Day 28 – Light
LOL, I love the lunch shot, it must have been really good 🙂
Shhh… I actually forgot to take a picture of my lunch and remembered as I sat there with an empty plate on my lap!