My kids are home on school holidays this week. Here’s a glimpse of the crafty stuff captured on Instagram. If you’re on Instagram, my username is craftymummy.
We had our Easter egg hunt on Sunday with the clues I wrote about last week.
The kids loved it!
I’ll definitely be doing this again next year.
The best play dates include good friends for Mummy to hang out with.
Plus a little crochet and photo editing while we chat.
Meanwhile our Little Misses made sun catchers.
They were so pretty when they were done that we hung them outside for pictures.
Little Miss discovered that the Little Misses at BBbeingCool’s house had a baby sling.
So the yesterday we grabbed some material and made one.
And I’m declaring today “Sewing Day” so I’m off now to sew…
What are you up to?
great projects! i’m looking forward to getting back home so i can work on some new things. my sewing machine is calling my name as well… the stack of projects on top of it is getting a little high.
Thanks Meredith. Sometimes I think stacking up the projects near the machine gives me motivation to “clean them up” ;o)