Yesterday I wrote about the pretty necklace that my Little Miss had made and offered some tips for beading with kids.
One of the comments on that post was this question:
“What do you do with them after they are done? We have so many after the kids make a lot and I don’t want to throw them away but I do get overwhelmed with all the creations!”
I could ask the same question about lots of my kids projects – painting, drawings, box constructions, paper planes!
So today I’m asking you:
Have a separate box for each child and put each child’s items they created into their box and store it away, to be given to them when they are grown. They may enjoy seeing the items they made as a child.
I pick a few favorites to keep in a keepsake box, but all the others I scan or photograph and toss. I’m a hoarder, but I’m working on it.
Thanks for posting my question. It was a surprise to see it pop up as your daily post! LOL
I am really good at the drawings/paintings, it’s more the beaded necklaces/bracelets that I get confused about what to do with. Seems too much of a waste to just throw them out. Do I recycle the beads for new creations or throw the entire item out when there are too many of them.
I’d be tempted to recycle the beads so they can play with them again. In fact, maybe that could be an afternoon’s activity right there: encouraging them to “un-thread” all the beads into a container so they can make exciting new creations!
Give them away! My daughter likes to make enough to give to all her classmates. Or send them to the grandparents. Before we give away a favorite piece I take a picture of her holding it. Shows off the craft and how old she was when she made it.
Great idea! Perhaps a weekly letter to Grandma…