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Pam Pirtlesays
One thing you can do is create a notebook binder to keep paper art work. I have a friend who did this when her students drew pictures for her. They were placed in the binder for everyone to look at and the clutter stayed under control. However they could only put so many in the binder so they had to think about which ones were their best efforts that they wanted everyone to see. You could also do the same with necklaces. Then at a later date when you want to make new beading, don’t buy new beads, have them choose which two or three they like best then suggest they unmake the others and make new ones. If you do that with some of your own crafting or purchase things at the thrift store to unmake they will think that is what all creative artistic people do – reuse and recycle. This makes the kids also think about the effort they put into what they do and that somethings may not be their best and don’t all need to be saved.
One thing you can do is create a notebook binder to keep paper art work. I have a friend who did this when her students drew pictures for her. They were placed in the binder for everyone to look at and the clutter stayed under control. However they could only put so many in the binder so they had to think about which ones were their best efforts that they wanted everyone to see. You could also do the same with necklaces. Then at a later date when you want to make new beading, don’t buy new beads, have them choose which two or three they like best then suggest they unmake the others and make new ones. If you do that with some of your own crafting or purchase things at the thrift store to unmake they will think that is what all creative artistic people do – reuse and recycle. This makes the kids also think about the effort they put into what they do and that somethings may not be their best and don’t all need to be saved.