With school looming again, I’ve collected all the school sewing I did for my kids in one big post with links to tutorials.
Here in Australia we’re nearing the end of Winter and school is in the middle of a Term. But I’m aware that many of my Lovely Readers are getting ready to finish up their Summer break and get ready for going back to school.
So I thought I’d collect a few of the school sewing projects that I did earlier in the year and last year for my kids to get ready. You’ll find that many link to tutorials or posts with more information to help you get it all done quick and enjoy those last few days of holidays.
Chair Bag Tutorial – this clever bag hangs on the back of the chair
so kids can store books or hats in it during class
Another Chair Bag Tutorial using a fabric that is the same on both sides
Pencil Case Tutorial (over at And Sew We Craft)
a super simple pencil case!
Bonus: Pencil Case Size suggestions in this post: Coin Purse Tutorial
Art Smock from a Men’s Shirt – when my girl needed an art smock we just converted a men’s shirt – so easy!
we just converted a men’s shirt – so easy!
Zippered Pouches for Head Phones – those headphones are not cheap so protect them with a simple zippered pouch
so protect them with a simple zippered pouch
Bag Tag Tutorial – when all the kids have matching school bags, a bright tag can help them spot their bag on the rack
a bright tag can help them spot their bag on the rack
Library Bag Tutorial – the easiest quickest library bag ever and large enough for a picture book
and large enough for a picture book
Face Washers – some day care centres and kindergartens require these so we made ours cute
so we made ours cute
Sheet Bag – this was also for kindy but it could be used for library by an older child