My Little Miss has some lovely little friends. They are sweet, kind little girls who hang out together, rally round when one of them is feeling left out or sad, and often leave each other with a bug hug in the afternoons. So I know that while she is lying in bed here this morning feeling tired and dizzy, her friends will be missing her at school.
It seemed then that this was the day to share this friendship bracelet she made over the weekend as I think of her beautiful friendships. I was browsing blogs on Saturday morning over breakfast – as I do! – and JustB had links to a bunch of 5 minute crafts. With a couple of not so well kids to amuse, I picked one that I thought she’d be interested in and I was right. This bracelet was originally found over at Oh So Pretty, The Diaries. So we dug out the balls of thread from our hair decorations, and set her up to have a go.
The fishtail braid looks tricky but once she got the hang of pulling it tight enough to look right, she was set. It did take her quite a lot longer than 5 minutes, but that may have been more to do with the TV distraction and the headache than the actual craft. And there was no hurry!
The result was worth it though. A very pretty bracelet in pink, blue and purple. The suggested length to start with created quite a long finished braid so we wrapped it twice around her tiny wrist.
what a great idea, I know my girls would enjoy making these too!