A lovely art teacher from a local high school was teaching this class and it was something that we hadn’t done at Retreat before (as far as I know). Each student started with a large blank canvas.

Once the painting was done – or in some cases at the same time – they added various embellishments. These ranged from paper dress making patterns and flowers to stick and beads. These added another dimension to each piece.

The finished artworks were stunning! They looked like pieces by professional artists. My photos really don’t do them full justice. But I hope they inspire you to have a go!
Do you have artwork hanging in your home?
Have you ever made art for your home?
I found it quite intriguing to watch as the weekend went on and the artworks grew more and more intricate. Every piece was so different and they were all lovely.
Hi Tonya. The paste they used is called impasto paste. I’ve seen it at Spotlight or an art store. Also if you get yourself some paint knives it is easier to push the impasto around.
The paintings came out beautiful! What type of paint did the students use for the canvas and how did they get the embellishments to stick to the painting? Is the impasto paste the same as the spackle? I am interested in trying a painting like this in the future. Thank You for your time. Jeannine.