UPDATE: Craftsy is now known as Bluprint and they have recently announced that they will be shutting down their website in the coming months. I have included links to them in many of my posts over the years so it will take me some time to update them with alternatives. As a general alternative, I would suggest looking at CreativeBug and Skillshare for crafty classes.

I’m thinking about signing up for a quilt class this year. A Block of the Month quilt class. This is one where they release the blocks bit by bit throughout the year so that you can keep up and create a quilt by the end. The one I’m looking at teaches a new technique each month so it would expand my skills as well which would be great considering that I’m a self-taught quilter really. It is being taught by Laura Nownes, author of Quilts! Quilts!! Quilts!!!, and last year there were over 120,000 students who signed up for this class. Imagine making a quilt with 120,000 other people!
The best bit?
This is a free class.
And if you miss a month or start a little later in the year, no problem. The access never expires so you can just follow along at your own pace.
So click on the picture above to read more and sign up too!
Disclosure: I heard of this class via the Craftsy Affiliate program.
I can’t seem to get the log cabin measurements when I get to your home room site. Please help.
Hi Pat,
Here’s how I found the pattern with the measurements: From the home room page, click on the “January: Offset Log Cabin” link on the right hand side of the screen at the top of the list; In the next screen the video started but above the video there was a tab called “Materials” – click that one. Then choose “January Block pattern” and the PDF pops up over at the side. Click “download PDF” and you’ll have the pattern page with the measurements and the instructions on your computer.
I hope that helps, Pat.