There is Christmas fabric in the shops.
I couldn’t resist these owls and stripes. They will become aprons, I think.
Soon, I hope.
Last year I had aprons like these for Christmas and I may still have one left that didn’t sell, but it is time for some fresh shop items.
So watch out for these owls!
Do you think it is too early in the year to start selling Christmas items?
Christmas is now less than sixteen weeks away. If I want to sew for Christmas, the fabric would need to be available in September! Im fine with it as long as they don’t put the decorations up in the shops and start playing Chritmas carols — that would be going too far! After all, they were selling hot cross buns in January and Easter wasn’t until the last weekend in March! They had mince pies for sale in Coles last month too!
When you are sewing Christmas decorations and gifts, its good to get projects started and completed early then you can enjoy the holiday instead of rushing. I do hate to see all the decorations up in the stores before Halloween!
Not too early at all. If you are like me you shop all year for Christmas.
I wish I was that organised! But alas I tend to still leave things to the last minute