I started another crochet blanket recently for the CrochetAlong.
That meant more yarn.
Yes, more yarn!

But I have a new way of storing that new yarn for my project: a $2 plastic tub from Woolworths.
Simple yarn storage, huh!?

I was doing the groceries one day and these plastic tubs were going out for only $2 so I grabbed a couple, thinking of my kids. They always seem to have stuff lying around that needs to be gathered. But in reality one tub has gone in the corner near the ironing board to hold coat hangers and another is holding all the yarn I bought for my blanket.
Here’s a progress shot of the blanket for you.

It is growing. Slowly. But I think that’s why I love to crochet blankets. I know that there will be a growing sense of happiness as it grows.
Hi Tonya, I bet you never expected to hear from me again! Your blog somehow stopped being fed through Google Reader but it came up in Bloglovin when my reading list was transferred! Weird, eh?
Anyway, I have so much yarn I don’t think I will use it all before my time on earth is done but never mind — DD will appreciate what she inherits. I store the yarn for WiPs in individual project bags. For something as big as a blanket, I use a cardboard carton hidden in a cupboard but easily accessible when needed!
Lynne!!!! Lovely to “see” you!!
I’m so glad you have found my blog again
And I love your tips for yarn – perhaps if I hide mine in the cupboard my husband won’t notice the new stuff… Great idea!
Love your color choice!