I’m determined to improve my photography skills this year. I take lots of photos for this blog – in fact every single post has a photo so I take photos almost every day. But I’m not always happy with them. Part of that is my skills. I know that.
But I received some lovely new equipment recently that hopefully will help as well. I take photos on a Canon EOS550D which came with 2 basic lenses. For Christmas I received a new lens: a Macro EF 100mm f/2.8 lens. This macro lens is for taking really close up pictures of tiny things, but the reason I wanted one is that it also creates a super blurry background (sometimes called bokeh) when used to take photos of larger things. I love that look and it works well for my small projects.
Here are some of the photos I’ve been snapping lately with my new lens. I was able to get much clearer close-ups of my stitching plus a lovely bokeh background for some Lego that Little Miss built.
This is the lens and if you click on the picture you will be able to read more information about it on Amazon. (Affiliate link)
Your Turn
What kind of photos do you most love? Close up details or further away shots?
More Camera equipment on Amazon:
I’ve been thinking for some time about getting a macro lens for our Nikon, mostly for the benefit of our 13yr old son who enjoys photography. Your photos look great, I really love a focused photo with a blurred background 🙂