My Little Miss has started to play a musical instrument at school this year – the clarinet. She’s very excited and we spent some time in the holidays collecting all the new gear she would need. She received a very cool purple music stand for Christmas and a document wallet to carry her music – also in purple, her favourite colour of the moment.
She needed a cleaning cloth as well. For a clarinet and many other woodwind and brass instruments, the cleaning cloth has a ribbon with a weigh attached to it so you can drop it through the tubular part of the instrument and pull the cloth through to clean it. I figured we could easily make this. In fact Little Miss did the sewing herself!
We bought a soft cleaning cloth – in her colour of choice as you can see – and attached a piece of ribbon about 50cm long to one corner. A simple square of stitching on the sewing machine going round a couple of times will keep that securely attached. Then on the other end of the ribbon we stitched a glass bead, large enough to be a good weight but small enough to fit through the clarinet.
She needs to carry spare reeds and cork grease in her bag as well so we made a small coin purse to keep these together. It is exactly like the coin purses that I have over in my Madeit Store.
When I was a kid my brothers and I all played musical instruments, so I’m quite thrilled to see my daughter starting to play. We had a piano, trumpet, flute, clarinet, and even a marching french horn at our place.