Wouldn’t it be cool to have a big list of people on Instagram who were into craft?
I thought so too so I put the call out there and gathered a list of crafters on Instagram. There is everything here. Crochet. Knitting, Sewing. Quilting, Jewellery. Toys. Stitching. And there is room for more. Check out the callout post here if you’re curious.
If you’d like to be on the list, you just need to leave me a comment below or send me an email. Also if you spot any errors or find broken links, let me know too. I really want this list to keep growing and be a resource for everyone.
Just tell me
- Your name – first, last, nickname, whatever you prefer
- Your Instagram URL – it will look like this http://www.instagram.com/YOURUSERNAME (Mine’s http://www.instagram.com/craftymummy)
- What kind of craft you share. Try to pick the one that best says what you share so readers know what to expect when they follow you.
And so without further ado…
The Big List of Crafters on Instagram
Lots of Crafts
Me! Tonya, The Crafty Mummy http://instagram.com/craftymummy
Fibre Arts Road http://instagram.com/fibreartsroad – knitting, crochet, craft, fibre arts
Ros http://www.instagram.com/sewdeliciousros
Little White Dove http://instagram.com/thedovenest – sewing, yarn crafts, and art
Lisa http://www.instagram.com/sweetlittlepretties – knitting, quilting and fun crafts
Filomena http://instagram.com/lalakids – Quilt, Sew and Crochet
Keera http://instagram.com/livelovesew – sewing and quilting
Erica http://instagram.com/recycledfashion – Sew and craft , mainly recycled /upcycled projects
Kate http://instagram.com/katetaylorandcloth – all kinds of craft… but the common theme is probably kids craft
The Crafty Scientist http://instagram.com/craftyscientist – lots of wreaths, some scrapbooking, pretty organizing and labeling, stuff for my dogs, etc.
Susan, Organized 31 http://instagram.com/Organized31 – all crafts, focus on quick crafts using repurposed items
Kim, Today’s Creative Blog http://instagram.com/todayscreativeblog
Jenny, CraftTestDummy http://instagram.com/crafttestdummy
Linda, CraftaholicsAnonymous http://instagram.com/craftaholicsanonymous
Beth http://instagram.com/achooyou
Janine http://instagram.com/sarahlaurenribbons – ribbons
Bespoke Magazine http://www.instagram.com/bespokezine
Dawn http://instagram.com/dawnlewisimagery – cardmaking, quilting and crochet (among many other things)
Australian magazine Handmade http://instagram.com/handmademagaus – big variety of crafts, including papercraft, sewing, knitting, crochet, folk art and beading but as our administrator is predominately a patchworker, you’ll see lots of patchwork, embroidery and stitching.
Bec http://www.instagram.com/handmadebec – crochet, knitting and sewing
Bree, meandmy2guys http://instagram.com/meandmy2guys – crochet, sew, quilt, craft… All sorts
Deb http://www.instagram.com/sewcraftydeb – mainly yarn crafts, paper crafting, sewing and jewellery making
Anorina http://www.instagram.com/SameliasMum
Chris http://www.instagram.com/madebychrissied – Textile Craft Artist working on quilts, sewing, knitting and crochet
Kylie, Madeleine Designs http://www.instagram.com/Madeleine_Designs – hair accessories and kids décor items
Lorelei http://instagram.com/craftsmumship – knitting, crochet, sewing and cake decorating
Hayley http://instagram.com/hayleschucky – all things craft and mainly post crochet, knitting, quilting and clothes for myself and little kidlets, cake decorating
Dee http://www.instagram.com/wildaboutmelbourne – sew and crochet and am a keen promoter of handmade and markets in Melbourne
Little White Dove http://instagram.com/bear_loves_dove – mostly crochet but do knit and sew sometimes too
Carina http://instagram.com/carinascrafts – crochet, sewing and papercrafts
Rochelle http://www.instagram.com/summerblossom_rochelle – hair accessories
Kaz http://www.instagram.com/kazzycaboodles – jewelry, beading, drawing, painting
Pips http://www.instagram.com/magdalenesmuse – I sew, I screen print, and lots of other bits and pieces
Eileen http://instagram.com/eileenaart – hair accessories
Jonie http://instagram.com/knotsewnormal – sew clothes, quilt and crochet
Melissa, Think Bowtique http://instagram.com/thinkbowtique – ribbons, tulle, hair accessories
Laura http://www.instagram.com/suesheroller – Cross stitch, sewing, knitting
Debra http://instagram.com/verydebra
Angie http://www.instagram.com/countrychiccottage – crafts, recipes, and DIY
Allia http://instagram.com/feltgirl – Crafting with mostly felt sometimes a little bit of burlap
Abby http://instagram.com/abbythingsforboys Mainly sewing, also knitting,stamping and cooking
Lianne http://instagra.com/lgafa – knitting, crochet, sewing
Kristina & Millie http://instagram.com/2crochethooks – Crochet, Sewing and Crafts
Adrienne http://www.instagram.com/chiccalifornia – painted/upcycled furniture
Almano http://www.instagram.com/almanogr – fabric crafts
Michelle http://www.instagram.com/coleandtaffy – crochet, patchwork, papercrafts, embroidery
Lu http://www.instagram.com/wildaboutyarn – Crochet, knitting, lampwork, beading, artists books, journals, printmaking
Claire http://instagram.com/claire_boelema – Papercrafting, painting and playing with pens and pencils
Annie http://instagram.com/annie_makes – home decor crafts, papercrafts
Monique http://www.instagram.com./sharingthegoodstuff – scrapbooking, quilting, knitting and crocheting.
Angeliki http://instagram.com/poco_loc
Margie (AKA Nanny) http://www.instagram.com/nannycraft4u – Beginner Sewing, Quilting, Crochet, Knitting, Re-cycling Op-shop finds
Tash, Little Ladybird http://instagram.com/little__ladybird
Alana https://instagram.com/the_craft_bible/ – crochet, cross stitch, knitting
Val Laird http://www.instagram.com/vallairddesigns/ – embroidery, patchwork, quilting, sewing
Bec, Eclectic Mumma https://www.instagram.com/eclecticmumma/ – mainly sewing and quilting projects
Mel Sinclair http://www.instagram.com/msinclairdesign – Fashion: design, alter and custom projects
Jes & Rye, MyGoldenArrow http://www.instagram.com/mygoldenarrow – Simply decorating every aspect of your life
Creative Base, Byron Bay https://www.instagram.com/creativebasebyronbay/ – crafty workshops
Jordan Kidd, https://www.instagram.com/jordanalexiskidd/ – Sewing and quilting, DIY, and kid’s art projects
The Crafty Felt Shop, https://www.instagram.com/craftyfeltshop/
Tina, https://www.instagram.com/tinasartshoppe/
Sylvia, https://www.instagram.com/mandalacraftsinc/
Patchwork & Quilting
Belinda http://instagram.com/stitchingatthegreendesk
Di http://Instagram.com/quiltitis_di – patchworker, quilter, gardener and home cook.
Jane http://www.instagram.com/wherejanecreates
Jane http://www.instagram.com/janesquilts
Di http://www.instagram.com/darlingdi – also knitting, crochet, embroidery and photography
Hope http://instagram.com/hopetn – plus stitching, papercraft and baking
Christiane http://instagram.com/quiltinsel – quilting and home decor
Ms Midge http://instagram.com/msmidge
Pretty Bobbins http://instagram.com/prettybobbins
Jane http://instagram.com/quiltjane
Quiet Play http://instagram.com/quietplay
Alyce http://instagram.com/blossomheartquilts
Andrea, crabapplequilts http://www.instagram.com/crabapplequilts
Sue http://www.instagram.com/fabricgarden
Alisa http://instagram.com/astitchinbetween/
Jodie https://www.instagram.com/
Crochet & Knitting
All the Stitches http://www.instagram.com/allTheStitches
Teri http://www.instagram.com/YardsnYarn – knit and crochet
Shelley http://www.instagram.com/spincushions – crochet, but I also embroider and knit a fair bit too.
Pearlin http://www.instagram.com/prettyknotty – crochet, knitting and quilting
Kylie http://instagram.com/kylieh72
Michelle http://www.instagram.com/poppyandbliss
Lesley http://instagram.com/tintocktap – crochet and cross stitch
Pandora http://instagram.com/pandora_lotte – recipes, knit and crochet
Eirini http://instagram.com/eirini_leoni – amigurumis,phone cases and many others
Karen http://www.instagram.com/MixedMediaJewel – crochet and jewellery
Toni http://instagram.com/woolgasm/
Lila Rose https://www.instagram.com/Lila_Roses_Boutique/
Amy http://instagram.com/amywyhoon – sew and bake
Diana http://www.instagram.com/hi5baby – sew baby items
Kathy http://instagram.com/hattiedesigns
Reengineered Caps http://instagram.com/reengineeredcaps – Caps, hats, bow ties and pocket squares made from repurposed fabric
Nicole http://instagram.com/houseofnicnax
Helen http://www.instagram.com/vintageglorybox – upcycled homewares, quilts and cushion covers using vintage sheets and other vintage fabrics
Jane, Lil Pip Designs http://www.instagram.com/lilpipdesigns – toys and kids clothes
Jemima http://www.tiedwitharibbon.com/
Jill http://instagram.com/jillinamillion
Bridie www.instagram.com/bridieraj
Kathy http://www.instagram.com/hattiedesigns
Pam, Threading My Way https://instagram.com/threadingmyway
Sonya Z. Phillips, https://www.instagram.com/stretchcouture
Valerie, https://www.instagram.com/primrosecottagebyval Felt toys
Elisabet de Doria, https://www.instagram.com/jan_et_jul/
Louise http://www.instagram.com/louloucrane – cross stitch cards and gifts
Erin, Westlake Craft http://www.instagram.com/westlakecraft – hand stitch felted wool pillows with all kinds of designs
Hannah http://instagram.com/woodlandsparrow – Mostly embroidered hoops and some crochet items
Caitlin http://instagram.com/naughtscrossstitches – cross stitch, knitting and crochet and sewing
Faith https://instagram.com/faithnchls – cross stitch projects
Paper Crafts
Karen http://www.instagram.com/leafandpetalvintage – vintage paper art and craft
Jodie, Polka Dot Creative http://www.instagram.com/polkadotcreative – I create brush script, memory keep and have an online scrapbooking store
Beth http://www.instagram.com/bethpingry
Sarah, Tomfo http://instagram.com/tomfoapp
Linda https://www.instagram.com/lvich/ card making
Shelley http://www.instagram.com/misscreativedesigns – sock toys
Rachel www.instagram.com/babeeandme – interactive cloth books and interactive soft toys, also screen-printing
Hillary http://www.instagram.com/alittlegreencat – I’m a plush maker specialising in happy little monsters.
Kym, Milks Design http://www.instagram.com/milks_design – baby doll or teddy carriers for little people
Jess, Gus & Ollie http://instagram.com/gusandollie – sock toys
Amanda http://instagram.com/greediebird – amigirumi crochet toys & vintage inspired clothes, plus felt finger puppets & badges
Jewellery & Beading
Nerea (AKA Rulitos) http://www.instagram.com/rulitos_ls
Fee, Little Robin http://www.instagram.com/littlerobina – also soaps, candles, resin pieces and more recently cushion covers
Kirsty, 2 Favourite Girls http://www.instagram.com/2favouritegirls
Katy http://instagram.com/matildasattic – jewellery and hair things
Kelly http://instagram.com/KLynndesigns
Rachel http://instagram.com/bellissimaglass
Nikki http://www.instagram.com/nickiandbrox/

Thanks so much for gathering all these amazing talents. I’m off to Instagram now and a bunch of new friends.
I would love to be apart of this list.
Crafting with mostly felt sometimes a little bit of burlap
So awesome – I have followed everyone and can’t wait to see all new photos.
Would you mind moving me from toys to sewing as that more generally covers what I create (I actually don’t think I have any recent toys on IG anyway!). Thanks so much for including me.
Mostly embroidered hoops and some crochet items
Thanks! Great idea!
Thanks Hannah – your pictures sound like things I would love!
Hello you can find me on instagram http://instagram.com/naughtscrossstitches
I do cross stitch, knitting and crochet and sewing. Though cross stitch most of all.
Thanks Caitlin – what a clever name you chose for your username!
Love this!!
Mostly amigirumi crochet toys & vintage inspired clothes. And felt finger puppets & badges 🙂
Thanks again!
Off to follow all these talented peeps!
Thanks Amanda – I’ve added your details
Great list!! I’d love to be added. Abby – http://instagram.com/abbythingsforboys and I do lots of crafts. Mainly sewing, but also knitting and stamping and I blog about lots of cooking too.
Hello, my name is Christiane and I’m a quilter. I love to be creativ with fabric and homedecore.
My Instagram adress is:
Thanks Christiane – you’re on the list!
Wow Tonya thanks for the great idea and collating this fantastic list. My instagram feed is going to grow immensely, am off to follow these creative folk.
Hi Tonya,
GREAT idea! I’d love to be added to the list too:
Photos of my sewing, other craft experiments and life in general too!
Thanks so much!
Great list! I’d love to be added and give you some other great quilter suggestions….
Ana from Bichinhas de Contas
I share my cross-stich projects
Hope you like!
Wow, great list!
Would love to be added
Bridie – http://www.instagram.com/bridieraj
Smart List! I’d love to be a part of it.
painted/upcycled furniture
Would you add us? We would love to be included! Crochet, Sewing and Crafts – http://instagram.com/2crochethooks. Thanks!!
I’d love to be a part of this.
Papercrafting, painting and playing with pens and pencils!
Hi, my instagram name is @coleandtaffy, and I do lots of crafts – crochet, patchwork, papercrafts, embroidery.
Thanks – this is a great idea!
Great list Tonya. I’ve finally added everyone. Computer kept having issues following too many people at once so had to keep spacing it out. Thanks for putting all this together.
Thanks for adding me to your list! Such a fantastic idea with so many new pages to discover! Thanks again!
You’re welcome!
Wow, what a great idea. I am off to follow you all on IG
I would love to be added. I have an Etsy shop where I sell baby blankets, organic blankets, burp cloths, changing pads, wet bags, snack bags, etc.
Guess I wold be under “stitching”
Thanks so much!
Thanks Kathy – you’re on the list now!
Oops, I meant to say “Sewing”
I’d love to be on the list!
I crochet and make jewellery 🙂
Thanks for putting together this list. I would love to be added under Patchwork and Quilting. I sell quilting fabric and supplies online.
My instagram account is http://www.instagram.com/fabricgarden
Thanks, Sue
Hi Tonya
What a great list… I’d love to be on it too, just been off to follow a few people on instagram
so thank you…
My blog is Tomfo.com and I write as Sarah Preston… I love to craft with paper and print mainly… I also design party printables, easy diy ideas for parties and the home
my instagram
is http://www.instagram.com/tomfoapp
Thanks for adding me, love the new look site so far
You’re on the list, Sarah! Thanks for dropping by. I notice on your Instagram feed that you were at PBevent – so was I! (Gosh, I hope we didn’t meet and I didn’t realise who you were!!)
Thanks that’s awesome… I was actually talking to Lorelei from Craftsmumship and was looking for you to say hi to… but then it was the last day and it all got hectic… sorry I missed you, I would have loved to have said hello in person.
Oh I’m so disappointed to hear we were THAT CLOSE to meeting! Next year, hey?
I don’t know if i am too late but I would love to be apart of this list! I make bows!
I can certainly add you, Toria!
Can you add me to crochet @emma_crochets !!
I share jewellery, art and a bunch of random creations
Jewelry design, healing jewelry, creating unique designs on customers demand
Hi I hope it’s not late and you’re still updating this list 🙂
I don’t really go by any name on Instagram but I’m Megan
I do polymer clay and resin mostly, but I also do plenty of other things like miniature stuff, and sewing.
Yes, I am, Megan – thanks for your comment. I have added you to the list
This is a brilliant site. Think it’s so good to have a list in one place to share.
My page is The Craft Bible. It can range from anything but top three categories are my favourite things:
1. Crochet
2. Cross Stitch
3. Knitting
Hopefully see you soon! xoxo
Thanks Alana – I have added you to the list!
Great idea, Tonya!!! Thanks!
Pam, Threading My Way – mainly sewing
Tash, Little Ladybird – crafts
Thanks Pam – I have added yourself and Tash to the list – love your feeds!
Thanks, Tonya!
I would love to be added to your list please!
Margie (AKA Nanny)
Beginner Sewing, Quilting, Crochet, Knitting, Re-cycling Op-shop finds
Thanks Margie – you have so many interests!! I have added you to the list as well.
Hey! I’m Toni, few of my friends call me Bing! I make pretty much anything to do with yarn, from spinning, dyeing, knitting and crochet!
My Instagram is instagram.com/woolgasm
Thanks Toni – your yarn looks so lovely!
Sewing and quilting
Thanks Alisa – I’ve added your URL to the list and had a lovely browse of your feed!
I have dabbled in a lot of different mediums over the years painting, crochet, cross stitch, paper crafts, woodworking etc. My main focus has been on sewing, soap making, polymer clay, and jewelry lately.
I would love to be added to this list of extremely talented and creative people.
Hi Kathy, Thanks for adding your Instagram profile but when I went to check it out I discovered that you are set to “private”. If you’d like to be added to the list, you will need to change the setting to “public” so that I can see all your lovely crafting.
Whooops didn’t realize that. Fixed.
ı would love to be added.
Felt, sewing, bags, pillows, handmade jewelry
Love this list – thanks for posting.
Thought I’d share mine too
We run the Craftadian Shows and also support, promote and support Canadian artists.
I share pictures of my cross stitching projects.
Thanks Faith – your projects are lovely! I have added you to the list
Jill Amanda Clark: http://instagram.com/jacpatterns
My craft is digital designs on different mediums. I like fabric the best…:)
Oh and I should have left my last name out. Fist name is fine. Thanks so much! 🙂 -Cecilia
We would like to be a part of this list..our IG is @creativebasebyronbay.
We run a workshop space for creatives to share their craft/art.
It would be so great to be added to this list!
Jes & Rye
Simply decorating every aspect of your life! Baby headbands, wall decor, signs, bows.
Lady Lucas
Adorable animals cut from paper – new work daily. If you love cute, delicate paper cuts, this is your feed!
Great Post!
Mel Sinclair
Fashion: design, alter and custom projects! 🙂
Hi Tonya,
I’m Bec from Eclectic Mumma.
I mainly share sewing and quilting projects but I am eclectic so who really knows what could pop up! Lovely to see some familiar names in the list.
Have a great day
Hi Tonya
Thanks for the great work you do for us crafters.
Val Laird
embroidery, patchwork, quilting, sewing
Lots of names I recognise on that list!
I’m mainly patchwork and quilting these days.
Jodie https://www.instagram.com/jodiescraftroom
Thank you for all that you do! I love seeing yours and other fellow crafters’ work!
Jordan Kidd
Sewing and quilting, DIY, and kid’s art projects!
Thanks, Jordan. This list is actually for sharing Instagram profiles rather than websites, so if you add your Instagram URL I can add you to the list
Please add me to your list 🙂
Thank you kindly,
What a great resource! I’d be pleased if you’d add me:
Linda Vich
Card making
I was so happy to come across this list!! I am starting my own crafting business!!
My name is Lila Rose and I mainly crochet. I would be so delighted if you could follow me!
Hi! I’m Alessandra from Italy and I create home decor, wreaths, headbands using fabric flowers. I love the Nordic and minimalist design. My IG account is the following https://www.instagram.com/mapanohandmade/ and I would appreciate a lot if you could follow me!
Thank you!
Thanks Alessandra. You have been added to the list
Thanks for doing this. It’s such a great idea and a valuable resource!
The Crafty Felt Shop
Handmade Felt gifts for you, your family and friends!
This is fantastic! I love connecting with other creative people ????. Please add me to the list!
Tory – http://www.instagram.com/TellerHill
Handmade/ sewn accessories to help you and your pups express your fun and fabulous personalities ????????
My instagram page for all of my cute little crafts I have made and have up for sale. Amagrumis,felt food, kids toys and so much more 🙂
Thank you for this wonderful resource! I would be happy to be
added to your list:)
I have a large variety of arts and crafts: hand painted wood crafts, pandora style bracelets,
burlap photo boards, encaustic paintings, acrylic paintings, burlap Easter bunnies, polymer
clay miniatures, digital clipart, fused glass jewelry, baby canvas collage, angel paintings,
teddy bear paintings, and more.
Thanks Tina you’re on the list!
I’m so glad I stumbled upon this list, thank you so much for such a wonderful resource. I would love to be added to this list, thank you 🙂 I’m a designer and maker of knit and crochet accessories. I make and sell finished products, and I also sell the patterns for my designs. I would love and appreciate any followers 🙂
I would love for my instagram to be added to the list. https://www.instagram.com/mandalacraftsinc/
Thank you for this great resource! I would be so happy to be added to your list:)
Elisabet de Doria
I do handmade sewing and my own designs