Build a Lego marble run with your crafty kids and see who can get the marble through the maze first!

Another fun school holiday craft at our house was this Lego Marble Run! It is like a maze for a marble to roll through. To move the marble, you hold the tray and gently tilt it back and forth so that the marble rolls. It can be quite tricky to get it in the right spot to roll through some of the “doors”! Mr Happy (8) spent a quiet hour creating these toys for himself, then challenged the rest of us to get the marble through the maze. Then both he and Little Miss (10) spent some time seeing how fast they could do it.

He actually made two – a smaller one and a larger one. The smaller one is 16 x 16 little bumps, while the larger one is 32 x 32 bumps. The larger tray gave a lot more room for creating a tricky maze with some dead ends. He worked out that his small marbles needed corridors of 2 bumps width to be able to roll freely. The arched doorway is a trick – the marble won’t actually fit underneath it!

We were inspired by this post on Create, Celebrate, Explore.
More Lego Fun

Such a great and simple way of entertaining your children. We love lego in our house, but we have so much I don’t know where to put it all ha! I bet this has kept your son entertained for hours, I think I will give this ago with my boys these summer holidays. Thank you for the ideas.
You’re welcome. We have all our Lego stored in plastic drawers so they pull it out and find things then just put all the drawers back in when they are finished. Then we have a big box for things that they can’t bear to break up yet! It works well for us.
What a great, simple idea. Will definately make this for my daughter when she gets older. 🙂
This is so much fun! I know my nine-year old triplets will love it. Pinning! 🙂
Oh boy – 9 yr old triplets!! What fun!