Confession Time:
I love my comfort zone. I would stay there every day all day quite happily.
I’d rather not take a risk. I’d rather not try new stuff.
I’d rather not meet new people.
In my heart, I’d rather stay in my comfort zone.
I know that I can’t live that way.
I know that life is more interesting when I meet new people.
I know that I am excited when I learn and master new skills.
I know that when I take a risk, AMAZING things might happen.
Things that are fun and make me think and grow.
Sometimes I have to remind myself to step out and take a risk.
Today I’m doing that by attending the Problogger Event on the Gold Coast. I’m meeting lots of bloggers I have never met and listening to speakers who can teach me and inspire me to improve my business.
Look for photos on Instagram and Facebook.
If you’re at #PBevent too and you see me looking a little self-conscious and uncomfortable, please be nice and say Hi!
I’m probably back hiding in my comfort zone!
P.S. Do you like the bangle I painted last night at the Annie Sloan event? It was so fun! Look out for some more chalk paint projects in the next couple of weeks, and you could enter to win some paint too.
Hi there Tonya, I have been receiving your newsletter now for at least twelve months and have enjoyed your comments and tutorials so much. I loved your Rainbow Blanket so I have started one of my own, haven’t finished it yet. I know what you mean when you mention your comfort zone, I have been learning to quilt since early this year so I suppose you could say I still have my L plates, I have made table runners(by hand), I have made sewing machine covers, handbags, center pieces and matching placemats so now I have made my first lap size disappearing nine patch quilt. I was so pleased with the end result that I decided to take the plunge and make my first full size single bed Window Pane Nine Patch. I do love the disappearing nine patch patterns as they look so difficult but at the same time soo easy. The only thing worrying me is how to quilt it, I quilted the lap quilt in the ditch but I couldn’t do that with this one. I have seen the stipple pattern but I don’t think that I can manage to do that, what do you suggest I do?.
Hi Deborah,
So glad to hear you enjoy the Weekly News! I’d love to see a picture of your crochet blanket when you finish it!
On the quilting, I understand how daunting it is to start free motion quilting. I only quilted in the ditch in straight lines at first too – it is such a simple way to get started. I learnt to free motion quilt from a DVD by Bev McClune but I don’t think it is available anymore. Leave it with me and I’ll find some tutorials for you.
Talk soon, Tonya
Thank you for favoriting my post! I was so flattered. I felt as if you were living out just what you said bloggers should do. I wrote about your excellent advice in a post I wrote today. I love your site and I’ve been getting all kinds of great advice from it. Thank you so much!!