Well, I was asking these questions a year or so ago. I had a lovely Canon camera that hubby had given me with a couple of lenses but no time to take a photography course to learn how to use it. I really wanted great photos, especially for the pictures I use here on The Crafty Mummy, but where was I going to find time for more reading or a class?
Then I came across Click Love Grow.
I signed up for an online course with Louise for a pretty reasonable outlay. I figured at the time that if I didn’t learn much, I hadn’t paid megabucks so it was OK.
But it changed the way I use my camera. Now I rarely use AUTO. I understand when I go onto Manual mode how to adjust the other settings accordingly and I manage to take photos that surprise me. Yay!
So today I’m telling you about the next round of classes that Louise is offering. Each class runs for 10 weeks and comes to you as an email with a link each week. There is a video to watch and stuff to read, then there is a task for you to practice what you’ve just learnt. I found the tasks easy enough to complete in an hour or so at most, but challenging enough to make me think about what I was learning. I think it was the weekly tasks that really made me retain all the information.
There is also a private Facebook group where you can ask questions and share with your fellow classmates. My group was small and friendly, and everyone was very encouraging. It was interesting to see the photos that others were taking and read the feedback about how to improve them. Again I learnt a lot in the forum.
There are two courses to choose from. I did the Photography for Business Women course which had some specific weeks on taking photos for your business. After the foundation weeks of how to adjust different aspects of your photos, there was information about photos for websites and social media, plus tips on how to display your products well for getting great shots.
The other option is the Photography for Enthusiasts course. This one is aimed more at people taking photos of family and travels. It still covers in-depth all the aspects of taking a great photo and how to apply them to your camera.