After a few days relaxing with family and friends, it is time to show you another of the crafts I did with the kids just before Christmas.
We created a whole village of gingerbread houses!
The kit was a spur of the moment purchase one day from Coles. The last time we made a gingerbread house for Christmas was a couple of years ago and I ended up throwing most of it out because the kids didn’t really want to eat it. So I was surprised when they were keen to build more gingerbread this year.
The kit included gingerbread sheets stamped with the shapes to create five small house. The kit also had a bag of icing and a variety of lollies to use for decorating.
The instructions were pretty basic but it was pretty obvious:
- Cut the gingerbread along the lines to form the shapes for the walls and roofs.
- Use icing to join the pieces together.
- Decorate with the rest of the icing and lollies.
We even bought a few extra lollies so we had plenty!
What I loved most about this project was that the houses were small enough for my two cherubs (now aged 8 and 10 years old) to build a house each without a lot of help from me. I had to help a little with squeezing out icing in the right places but otherwise they were quite happy to take control of their building.
We built each house on individual plates so they could turn them easily to work on each side, then we transferred them all to a large cake holder with a domed lid to store them.

Look for kits in supermarkets and departments stores in the weeks leading up to Christmas. I came across kits for larger houses and different villages, and even a gingerbread train.
This was a great activity to fill an hour or so one afternoon!