Yarn seems to be overtaking my living room lately! As I sit here I count three crochet blankets in progress plus a bucket of yarn for one of them and a bag of yarn for another.
I’m onto the last rainbow ball of yarn for my granny blanket but I think I might find some plain yarn to create a border to finish it off.

I still have half a rainbow worth of rows to add to my heart blanket, and again I have some plain colours to create some extra length on that blanket.
I’ve been working on the border around the crochet along blanket I started last year and now I need to weave a few ends so it is nearly done.
While I’ve been procrastinating on all three of these projects, I came across this Guide to Wool to share – lots of interesting info about weight and animals and how much yarn you might need for certain projects. Thanks to Clippers Ireland – click the image to check out their website.