The cooler weather has arrived here in sunny Queensland and we’ve already had a couple of VERY cold nights even though we’re still in Autumn. It has been the perfect incentive to pull out one of my WIPs (works in progress): my Rainbow Heart crochet blanket that I started last year. The yarn is super thick snuggly loveliness by MyBoshi from Spotlight. I still love it!

See the little hearts? The pattern is from MyPicot – a freebie found here – but I call mine Rainbow Hearts. I’m changing yarn every two rows using white in between my rainbow colours. I’ve done almost three rainbows so far. Last night I started the navy blue hearts so there is another row of white then the last colour in my rainbow – purple – to go.

I started reading with my kids at bedtime when my eldest was a toddler and it is a tradition that has stuck. These days I still read to them last thing before I say goodnight and it is a great way to share some special time with them. Plus it is good for their brains as lots of studies show that reading for children helps develop their language skills and vocabulary. I’ve always been a reader so I’m so pleased to be growing some more bookworms. Here’s the book the kids and I are listening to each night before bed:
We listen via Audible – click on the picture to see more. The listening lets me crochet!
If you’re thinking this book looks familiar then you might know the Percy Jackson series by the same author, Rick Riordan. The Hidden Oracle is the first in a new series called The Trials of Apollo. It is about the god Apollo who gets banished to Earth as a teenager by his father, Zeus. So far we are loving the story and especially the one liners from Apollo. He is incredibly full of himself (just like a teenager perhaps) and makes the most outrageous statements. For example, he says at one point, “One of the natural consequences of being so awesome is that I attracted envy from all quarters.” I’m also loving all the references to pop culture – Snapchat, Twitter, Google, smart phones, etc.
More Rainbow Crochet Projects:

Find more pictures of this blanket here, here, and here or over on Instagram here.
What weight and type of yarn, number needle is used for rainbow heart blanket.
Thank you: