“The scariest moment is always just before you start” – Stephen King

I put this quote up on my Instagram a few weeks back as we started the new year and I was thinking about new projects and new adventures. I believe it is good to challenge ourselves with new things – learning new skills, going new places, meeting new people – but I’m also a Scaredy Cat. I’m sure I’ve missed out on many things by being too scared to have a go.
This project – Wynne the Bunny – turned out to be something a little scary to me. Sounds CRAZY, I know, but there it is. I found myself putting off starting and deciding to start or finished all kinds of other projects first instead of starting this one. Because somewhere in my head this one was hard. I hadn’t made amigurumi before although I had been tempted so I somehow expected it to be too tricky.

But I’m pleased to report that it is actually not as hard as I expected. Yes, I need to concentrate and count carefully. Yes, I find the small pieces a little bit tricky to work on now that I’m working on the legs and arms. But really it is ok. I can do this.

So let me tell you about Wynne the Bunny. This cutie is a pattern from Ali over at Arabesque Scissors. It is a PDF download so you can get started immediately – aren’t we spoilt not to even have to drive to the shops to buy patterns now!? Her’ is a pretty white bunny but I’m creating mine in stone because that’s what I had in my yarn stash.

Wynne is an amigurumi – a crocheted doll or toy. You can read more about them here. I haven’t made any before but I follow lots of people who do. They are super duper cute!!
I’m really enjoying creating this Bunny and I can’t wait to finish it so I can show you.
You can join me by finding the pattern here on Etsy.