Do you ever wonder which crochet hook size you used for a particular project that you haven’t worked on for a while? I have an easy way to remember it.

Do you work on more than one crochet project at once?
I can’t resist starting new things. Sometimes I get a bit tired of the current project. Sometimes a blanket gets too big to take out and about with me so I need something smaller to work on at dance or tennis lessons. Sometimes I find a fabulous new yarn and just can’t resist starting something with it. Sometimes I want to take part in a special challenge or group. Sometimes I need to make a gift in a certain time frame.
See? I can come up with many reasons to start something new!!
Anyway, my problem comes when I want to go back to a project that I haven’t worked on for a while. I usually remember the yarn and have the extra balls stored together. I usually remember the stitch or know where I can find the pattern or tutorial again.
BUT I often can’t remember which hook size I was using. I only have one of each hook size so I will often have taken the hook to use for another project rather than storing it with the project. Then I have to work out which size to use again.
How to figure out which size hook you have used
I work out the hook size using trial and error. I will pick a hook I think could be right, then I will crochet a few stitches – usually at least 15 or 20.
Next, I lay out my project and see whether the stitches look the same size or not. If they look the same, I’m all set to continue crocheting. If they don’t look right then I pull them back out and try another hook size.
I continue this process until I work out which hook size seems to produce the best match for the stitches already completed.

“Why didn’t I think of that before” Tip
I had a lightbulb moment recently as I snapped another picture of my project progress for Instagram.
I could take a photo of my project and my hook and then I would know which hook to use when I come back after a break.
Of course!!!
I’m constantly sharing photos of my work so how did I now think of this before?!?
So there it is, my Crochet Tip of the Day:
Take a photo of your hook and your project to remind yourself of the hook size.
Read more about this Shades of Green Crochet Blanket here.

This is a brilliant idea! I keep my projects in bags with the size written on them, but this makes it so much easier. Thanks!
I have the same problem. I start a lot, but it takes me time to finish because I love to start something new. Crocheting is like reading a book. One day you are in the mood for one type, the other day for something different. I usually put each project in a plastic bag with a small piece of paper with the hook size. However, sometimes the paper falls from the bag and when I loose it… There I go for another try with several hook sizes. Your idea is great, I will adopt it, thanks!
I have one of those blank Journal that I use when I start a project and I write down the hook size and even the names of the yarn. I also leave comment like oh my God why did I start this or things that I’ve learned from working on that particular project. It’s kind of fun to go back and read it later.
I love that idea Karen!
Great idea
i have a variety of plastic(cheap type) baskets that fit in a tall bookcase. i also can’t resist starting new, especially after a bargain was found!! so knitting, crocheting, x stitch, mosiacs and sewing are sorta organized, for “the next time”. i use postits for any info i “borrow”. i currently have about 12 baskets waiting for their day.