A couple of laundry hamper clips have changed my frustration to happiness. Maybe you need this quick tip for your bathroom hamper, too!
Today’s quick tip relates to a very first world problem that I’ve been living with for a while now. It really isn’t a big deal but it occasionally bugs me. Then I move on and forget about it.
Until the next time, when it makes me sigh.
The problem? The lining of our laundry hamper falls into the hamper once it has a few clothes dropped into it. Then you have to dig it back out before you can throw more clothes in, or before you can get the clothes back out for washing.
The lining must be a little smaller or shorter than the basket itself for this to happen I guess. I suppose I could make a new lining but that seems a lot of effort!
Enter the latest HomeLife magazine that I picked up in the holidays. I was browsing magazines to find one for a friend stuck in the hospital with a sick child and I spotted this one which I had not seen before. I loved the cover flatlay and was intrigued by a couple of the articles so it came home with me. You can check out their website here.
One article that caught my eye was about 6 cheap things that can change your life, and one of those things was bulldog clips.
Somehow the next time I was in the bathroom this random article connected with the annoying hamper lining and I thought “I could fix that problem with some clips!”
Bulldog clips were not the best choice as they would stick up and stop the lid going on, but large binder clips were perfect.
Now my hamper lining is held in place and won’t slide into the basket, and I don’t get frustrated by it. Happy days!
If you want to see how I painted my hamper, check out the article here.

I LOVE that idea. I recently washed my liner and shrank considerably. So I had the bright idea of adding some lovely broderie lace I had that’s about 8′ wide (probably came of the top of a sheet or something. Anyway looks very pretty on the white basket, but it still falls in.
I recently bought some gold bulldog clips from Officeworks just because I liked them and now I know why. Thank you so much for this tip.