When you are slightly addicted to crochet – as I am! – and you keep creating beautiful crochet blankets – as I do! – the storage of said blankets can become a problem. I REALLY needed to think about some crochet blanket storage ideas – and soon!
As I’ve created quite a few blankets over the past couple of years, the collection in our living room has grown. They are draped over the chairs, piled on the coffee table and spread over the bean bags when the kids have been watching TV.
I love to see them being used and enjoyed so much, but the mess has been getting to me.
I needed to find a way to store them that was less messy.
Coffee Table Blanket Boxes
I considered boxes first. Perhaps a nice big blanket box in the middle of the living zone that could also serve as a coffee table? It could look amazing and be a practical place to stash some blankets. A quick look on Amazon and I found some beauties to choose from. See my Ideas List here.
See these and more Coffee Table Blanket Boxes here
Basket Storage
See these and more Large basket ideas here

Ladder Storage
Finally, I settled on the idea of a ladder to show off my crochet blankets. I would have loved to find an old wooden ladder from someone’s barn but I settled for a towel ladder from Kmart. There are also lots of these available online so I couldn’t resist another little collection. See my Ideas List here.
See these and more ladders here
My blankets are now looking pretty in the corner of the living room on my ladder. They are easy to access and easy to put away as well as creating a colourful corner! Really happy with this option!

I enjoyed looking at different ways to store your crocheted afghans.I didn’t really know there were so many choices. I think you made the right choice tho. It looks good and doesnt take up much space.
In order to prevent stretching, knit and crocheted items should not be hun . I liked your other ideas better.