Now, this is the preparation I didn’t do last year!! They have a Mother’s Day gift stall at Little Miss’ school each year and ask for donations to sell to the kids. Last year I wasn’t prepared, but since then I came across this idea, and here it is all ready in plenty of time.
These cute little packages are boxes of Dove soap that I picked up at a good price one week. Each one is covered in brown paper, then a 3″ wide strip of scrapbooking paper. I trimmed each strip to get a little matching gift tag before I wrapped. The gift tags are finished off with a heart stamp and “Happy Mother’s Day” written next to it. One end is trimmed with a wavy trimmer, and a little hole punched so they tie onto the packages. I did about 20 all up, and it only took a couple of hours spread over a few days.
What mother doesn't need a little pampering, Cute idea!
Very cute, what a fun idea! Thanks for joining Idea Sharin' Wednesday!
These are adorable. Great gift idea.