A rainy afternoon and a restless boy is the perfect condition for creating a balloon powered Lego car!
It has been raining and raining and raining some more here! It was a very wet weekend and as you can imagine the kids were getting restless by the end of it. Time to get crafty!
Luckily I came across some photos online of a very clever balloon powered car and inspired my Mr Happy (6) to have a go.
The idea is simple: incorporate a balloon into your “car” so that when you blow it up and let it go, the air makes the car roll.
There was a little bit of science in there somewhere too!
We were inspired by Davis Creek Elementary’s post about Lego cars.
More Lego Fun

Thanks so much for this great idea. I organize a Lego Group at a local library and the kids want to make cars so I’ll definitely suggest that we use the balloon iea to have races. They will be thrilled. Thanks again.
Sounds fun, Susan! Hmmm…. maybe we need a local Lego group…
Hi Tonya, how are you? I can’t even begin to tell you how much my son loves this. He is Lego mad. Thanks so much for linking up at Thriving on Thursdays. I’m featuring this at tomorrow’s party.
Anne xx
Hi I Really enjoyed your boy projects! I’ve received inspiration for the Lego car and for his first sewing projects in years to come. Thankyou
What a great idea…I pinned it! Come submit it at Oh My! Creative…would love to feature it there!
What a great activity – pinned to my Things That Go board and shared through G+
So love this – we are going to have to give it a go. And am wondering if we could get it to work on the big mecano wheels with more balloons … hours of fun!
I’ve pinned this and featured it at this week’s Empty Your Archive, Alice @ Mums Make Lists xx
This is a wonderful activity. Thanks for sharing it. I pinned it to my LEGO Learning board. I can’t wait to dig into the LEGO with my son to give it a go.
You’re welcome, Sheila! Hope he loves it!
Thank you for the inspiration! My son is making his balloon Lego car right now, he’s changed it about 15 times trying to figure out the best way to make it go farther. Even my husband has gotten in on the action! I’ll be linking to you when I blog about my homeschooling week. Thanks.
hey, thanks for this great idea, my litlle boy will love it !
I would like to do a Lego theme for VBS. This race car idea is great! I don’t know ANYTHING about Legos. Where do you buy the wheels for this creation?
Hi Gwen,
Took me a minute to work out what VBS might be, but after a quick Google I’m going to guess “Vacation Bible School” rather than “Visual Basic Script” or “Very Big Smile”! 😉
Everything on our car is Lego apart from the balloon including the wheels. If you’re planning to buy for a group of kids, you may find that you can buy a big set of wheels online. I have some in our Amazon Shop in the Lego category: http://astore.amazon.com/thecramum-20
Have fun!
I have _got_ to find a brownie badge this will work for to have my troop make these!!!
These were so fun, we did them recently too!!
Thanks so much for the inspiration!
We did Balloon Rocket Ships too!! They were super fun!!
Same principle, but a different spin on it!
what a great idea – i am pinning to my lego board
How do you attach the balloon to the car
My family loves Lego–we are aged 2 to 74!