I did some tidying up over the last week or so and created a “new” space. Now really nothing in this space is actually new, but it hadn’t been well used for the last couple of years. I love that now I’m making use of a under-used space as my “writing space”.
We have a “Media Room” in our house. When we were thinking of buying the house, this room was set up with a big screen, a projector, speakers and lounge chairs. All this clever technology was linked to two other TV screens in other parts of the house. But we didn’t want them. I know. Many others would think us crazy! But we felt our kids and ourselves were already watching too much TV and we didn’t want to encourage this habit with a whole room dedicated to it. So the technology was removed and we put furniture in that room.
Our vision would be to have a library at one end of the room with floor to ceiling bookshelves, and my craft area at the other end. But it is a work in progress. For now there is an eclectic mix of bookshelves, piano, china cabinet and a couple of tables I use for craft. With no windows we can have all this around the edges of the room, while in the middle there are a couple of arm chairs – just about the only furniture in the house that the kids are not allowed to sit in!
In one corner is this desk. I love this piece of furniture! It was one of the first pieces of furniture we bought after we got married. I needed a desk to work at – I was teaching at the time – and I had always wanted a roll top desk with little pigeonholes. So we looked until we found one with a decent size work space.
For some time now it has ben a dumping place for this and that – yarn, half-finished craft projects, papers of various kinds – many things that I don’t need. So I got my act together and decided to tackle this part of the room first. Amongst all the bits that I threw out I found ultrasound pictures of my second baby and letters from my man, so it was a pleasant activity.
The end result? A place for my computer and some serious blogging, plus some serious bookkeeping when I have to. I have a few things to make it pretty – some of my yarn in a couple of hurricane lamps and my button spice rack that I made last year. Plus you can see my daylight lamp – one of the things I don’t like about this room is that there are no windows so this lamp is great. Above the desk I got CraftyDaddy to hang one of my cross stitch bears who has the reminder “let not your heart be troubled” from John 14:27
There you have it: my new workspace. Now if I could just find a few more hours in my days to take advantage of it!
I’ve just taken over the dining table. (we don’t really eat there unless we have guests in Winter so it was a wasted space, though I don’t think I should mention that) I’ve got a full on semester with uni and really wanted to be more structured with my blogging and business this year, so a new space helped feel more organized. Ps. Love that desk, I have one exactly like it!
I just found your blog- I love it! I want to invite you to submit a craft for my upcoming book Alphabet Adventures. Here’s more information. http://alphabetadv.blogspot.com/2013/03/calling-all-mommy-bloggers.html
Let me know if you have any questions.
Megan Cassidy
Author of Alphabet Adventures Blog and Alphabet Summer book
It looks like a lovely calm and organised space to work. I need one of those!
Annaleis – Blogs and Pr Team member
Your new working space looks fantastic! I think a working space close to the action so you are still in the hub of the home works best, just like what you’ve done. That way you dont feel like your missing out on anything! I have a study/craft room but I never work in there, I carry all my things out into the living room so Im near the TV and the Mr and feel more comfortable there 😀 Saying hi from Blogs & PR
Unfort I have to work in our lounge/kitchen/dining area after moving my computer work station following baby no.3! It does make it had but at least I can see what the kids are up to when I’m writing/working 🙂 Emily