I love quilting and I’m guessing if you’ve dropped in to read this post, you’re probably interested in quilting too. I’ve mostly taught myself to quilt and over the years I have read lots of tips and tricks. I’ve also gathered a few of my own so let me share some with you.
Quilting Tools
- Keep your scissors and rotary cutters just for fabric and never use on paper – it will blunt them
- It is worth investing in a large cutting mat to cover your whole table – it will make your cutting quicker and easier if you don’t have to keep moving the fabric or the mat
- Different brands of quilting rulers can have measurements that are slightly different so try to use the same one for a whole project for accuracy
- Store sets of acrylic templates in zip lock bags to keep them clean and together
- Read more about my favourite quilting tools here
- Read about how to use acrylic templates here
Quilting Fabric
- Use the same type of fabric for your whole quilt – I use 100% cotton quilting fabric
- There are different opinions out there but I choose to wash my quilting fabric before I cut it except when I’m using pre-cut fabric (like charm squares or jelly rolls) so they don’t fray away
More Quilting Tips


Article Title
Lots of Quilting Tips
I've collected a bunch of quilting tips over the years as a self-taught quilter so now you can read them too in this collection.
Tonya Grant
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