Where did the first week of October go!?
My review of September is a little late but here goes…
It was a busy month at home with school holidays
and a couple of bouts of sickness in our house,
so I didn’t finish as many projects as I would have liked to.
Here’s the kid’s craft from the school holiday program:
Daddy got in on the act though to make these beauties:
I did get to start a new baby quilt and made some progress,
and republished an old post of Little Miss’ pretty quilt.
But as usual when I don’t get to make things myself,
I still look around at what others are making and add them to my “to do” list!
This included a Christmas tree and other Christmas decorations,
Some of my posts were featured at Totally Tutorials,
Some of my photos were featured at CraftGawker.
I seen that little tree as well, And decided that I needed to make a couple of them. They are cute 😀