Little Miss has a birthday coming soon
and is planning a butterfly party
so it seemed the perfect time to sew up a butterfly outfit!
I picked up some light-weight denim
with butterflies and flowers sewn on it
a few months ago at Spotlight.
It was a section with a flaw in it,
but it would do perfectly for two little skirts.

I added a ruffle in a cotton butterfly fabric that I had stashed
and a casing for the elastic at the top.
Super easy!!

Then I used another bit of butterfly cotton onto the front of the T-shirt.
I cut the edges with pinking shears, ironed it into place with some Vliesofix,
then stitched it “free motion” as I would quilt a quilt.
My lines were a bit crooked but I just went round a few times
to make that look deliberate 😉
The edges of the applique piece will fray slightly when I wash it
but that’s the look I was after.
That is a wonderful way to get a complete outfit for a lot less. bookmarking this one for later!