I seem to have had a few guests lately
Some of them have been cool crafty girls
Another yay!
But when it came to coffee, tea and champagne while we got crafty
I discovered that I’m short of coasters
So I whipped up a few more
As you do
Apple green and white cotton from Spotlight
Very pleased with my spiral quilting
More guests welcome!

oooh they're lovely! Love the fabric and the spirals!
I love those! The material is so cute! Thanks for sharing over at Tuesday Tell All.
I love these. Hope you don't mind if I do something similar for a mother's day and father's day stall. These are fundraisers and all profits go directly to the school.
Very nice! Love the apple green – perfect for Spring!
Thanks for all the lovely comments.
@Anonymous – I got the inspiration from a book by Joelle Hoverson called Last Minute Patchwork and Quilted Gifts. I will add the link to my sidebar if you want to have a look at it.
These are so pretty! I love the spirals–and such straight lines! 😉
Woot! I loved your coasters so much I featured them on this week's Ten Buck Tuesday! Email me at youngnester(at)gmail(dot)com for the "I've been featured at Young Nester" button! Have a great week! 🙂
I love your coasters. Your stitching is perfect? May I ask what type of sewing machine you have?
Hi Connei, I have a Pfaff machine. It has a built-in walking foot which helps keep my quilting even.