Once you have written a blog post, there seem to be a myriad of places where you can share it. Most bloggers seem to share on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and perhaps StumbleUpon. Some bloggers share on sites related to their niche as well and see quite a lot of visitors from those sites. One type of site that you can share on are called “Showcase Sites”. Issy Eyre wrote a great article recently about these for Problogger about showcase sites and how they work. She commented that they can be hard to find. So here’s a list I’ve put together of those I’ve used and others that I’ve found.
Sewing & Craft
- CraftGawker
- CraftGossip
- Make & Takes Spotlight
- DwellingGawker
- IShareCrafts
- Totally Tutorials
- One Pretty Thing
- Homepodge
- DwellingGawker
- WeddingGawker
- One Pretty Wedding
Do you submit your posts to showcase sites? Do have any suggestions of sites to add to my list?
Thank you for sharing this! So nice to have stumbled upon it! 🙂 I’m new to this and need all the help I can get! 🙂
Hug from a newbie blogger,