I’ve learnt some useful stuff lately! So I thought I’d share…
- If you are writing an update on your Facebook page and you want to put in a blank line, instead of just hitting the Enter key (which will post your update), hold the Shift key down and then hit Enter.
- If you are getting an error message when you try to go to a web page (or your blog), you can enter the URL at this site and find out whether it is down for everyone or just for you: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com
- If you have added photos to your Facebook page but don’t want them to appear at the top of your wall, hover over the photo and click the “x” in the top right hand corner to hide it.
- If you go to this page, https://services.google.com/fb/forms/realtimeanalytics/, you can ask to see real time stats on your Google Analytics page, then you can see what pages people are looking at on your blog right now! They will appear under the Home tab.
- If you don’t like having people comment on your photo albums in Facebook, remember you can turn off that option. Go to Edit Page (Top Right), then Manage Permissions, and uncheck the boxes next to “Posting Ability”.
- You can make the URL in the About box of your Facebook page clickable. In the Basic Information tab, type your URL first in the About box. When you save it will be clickable beside your wall.
- If you are seeing “t.co” URLs in your stats, they are clicks from Twitter.
So there you have it, Friends. A few random bloggy techy things that I have learnt lately.
Have you learnt any useful stuff lately? Want to share?
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These are great tips. I needed the one about real time Analytics stats. Thanks.
You’re welcome. Glad to share
Very interesting! Good job…. I am going to check out the google analytic thing as my reward for marking report cards….
I think you’d definitely need a reward for marking report cards!
good info,
You’re welcome
Some good information there – thanks!