While we were at the Gallery of Modern Art to see the kids displays, we also noticed there was an exhibition called Threads. I couldn’t resist going up to check it out and it was right down my alley! Beautiful quilts, textiles from around the world and some amazing clothing. You can read about the details at the GOMA website. If you look in the sidebar of that page you can find links to each of the artists and see more pictures of the individual works, but here are some of the pictures I took.

I think my favourites were the two quilts with mostly white backgrounds with aqua and green applique designs. These are in a style called Hawaiian quilting. The quilting lines around the shapes are sometimes called echo quilting.
Hmmm… maybe another project to add to my “To Do” list?
What’s on your “One Day I Want to Make That” list?
I’m with you; the green and white appliqué quilt is stunning!
Up close the details in the quilting was beautiful, Lynne
Lovely chubbly.
Can’t believe I missed that when we were there.
I, of course, LOVE the buttons. Love love love them!
I love the buttons too, but the pants looked pretty uncomfortable!
Holy buttons, batman!!