The lovely Angela from Belle Images took photos of our family recently. They. Are. Gorgeous!
She is heading out to the Mummy Tree Markets in Toowoomba soon, and has both business cards and postcards to carry. She also needs to have these with her at times for when people ask about her business.
So I made her a custom card holder for them. There are two big pockets for the postcards, plus two smaller pockets for the business cards. I love this cherry fabric!
If you pop over to the Belle Images blog you can catch a glimpse of me and mine. Look for the “Winners are Grinners” post. (Tell her Crafty Mummy said Hi!) Angela mostly works in the Toowoomba area (although I did overhear her tell someone that she would travel to the beach for a photo shoot.)
I will be adding these card holders as a custom made item to my Store. You can choose the fabric that suits you best. Or email me if you’d like to order one: craftymummy2 {at} gmail {dot} com
Super cute, I love the cherries too!
Thank you again Tonya- the card holder works and treat, and beautifully-made too! I highly recommend them to anyone who is considering one!
whoops- dodgy typing again…meant to say “works a treat”
I want this kind of style because it is very attractive in my eyes and will bring a beautiful aura in my part…
What a lovely, useful item.