I love reading quilting blogs! So many projects I want to try… so many beautiful fabrics… so many clever colour schemes… so many helpful tutorials!
{Baby Boy Quilt}Ages ago I shared some of my favourites in a post called 10 Quilting Blogs I Love.
This post adds another ten to that list:
{Square Dance Baby Quilt}And a bonus: if you want to drool over fabric, try True Up
Thanks for the list. I’ve read some of them but will definately visit the others!
Some of them don’t post very often but the archives are great.
quilting is definitely a joy, i am beginner, actually i have my first work, but is a difficult work, and i do learn from any source. Thanks.
Wow Tonya, thank you so much for adding me to your list. I read your ten blogs you love a while ago (this year sometime!) and agreed they were all fabulous. I’ve even had the privilege to have met Red Pepper Quilts and Patch Andi from your first list, wonderful girls they are too. I’m thrilled now to be part of your list. Thank you. xo
Thank you so much for including me on such an awesome list!
I follow two of those blogs and, if I didn’t have so many blogs already on my reading list, I’d check the others out,
I never stopped to comment to say thanks for including my blog on this list. I love your site!
Thanks for the shout out 🙂
You’re welcome, Melissa!