Even in this day of electronic everything, there is still something lovely about a diary or planner where you can make notes and write appointments. So when Personal Planner asked me if I’d like to giveaway one of their cute planners, I jumped at the chance to try their website and tell you about what you could make.
This one is perfect for you crafty readers! You can personalise it in lots of ways so it really works for you.
The options are fabulous! First you choose your size. I went for the square one which is small enough to fit in my bag but large enough to have space for notes.
You can choose your cover. You can see my green cover above. You can adjust the name on the front and the placement of it. There are lots of choices of designs and a rainbow of colours. You can’t tell from the picture but there is a hard plastic sheet over the cover to protect it from bending, and you can choose to have an elastic closure as well. You can even upload one of your own photos for the cover – I was tempted to have a collage of my Instagram pictures!
Then you move on to designing the inside and again there are options: columns or not, lines or not, headings, dates, times, shading and more. You can start your planner from any month you want to, so mine is from July 2012 to June 2013, but if you win one you could order it to start from August or September, or even January next year. (If you can wait that long before you use it!)
The sections below the columns can be customised with a selection of custom boxes – list of the week, goals, tracking grids – or left blank or lined for notes.
At the front of your planner there is a page – also customisable – to add your contact details in case your planner gets left behind somewhere. At the back you can have more pages for notes or drawing, and a full calendar.
I’ve been wanting to have a blog planner that I could carry with me for when I have ideas and don’t have the computer at hand. This planner is perfect. I’ll be carrying it and a pencil with me so I can plan on the go because inspiration seems to hit me at the most unexpected times.
The process of creating and ordering my planner was quick and painless. It took me less than half an hour. It arrived exactly when they said it would and is just what I expected, so I’m hoping the winner of this giveaway will get the same great service.
Personal Planner Australia is giving away one voucher to make your very own planner here at The Crafty Mummy.
To enter:
- Visit their site and check out the the planner options. Click on the “Create your Own” button and you can look at all the options without purchasing anything!
- Come back and leave a comment on this post telling me what you’d use your planner for and which options you like the best.
Fine Print:
- Only one entry per person
- You must leave a valid email address for me to contact you
- Only open to Australian residents – apologies to my overseas readers
- Entries open with this post on Friday 13th July and close on Friday 20th July at 9pm Brisbane time
- The winner will be chosen randomly by me from the valid entries and announced before Saturday night 21st July. (If you want be the first to know, I suggest you look for me on Facebook and Twitter) I will email the winner as well.
- If the winner doesn’t contact me, after 7 days I will choose a new winner.
- Once I have been in contact with the winner, I will pass on their email to Personal Planner Australia so they can send you your voucher and you will then deal with them to order your prize.
- I can’t take responsibility for any issues in the ordering or delivery process.
You can also follow Personal Planner on Facebook for news and special offers: facebook.com/personalplannerau
I was only looking through your page last night and stumbled accross the link for the personal planners! I am a big diary person and can go through a few each year as i can never find one that i really like and that suits what id like it for. I love the fact that the cover can be anything you want it to be, im due with my second baby in a few (long) weeks and i cant wait to have a nice family photo to upload and use! And to be able to personalise dates with birthdays and anniversaries, and link it to your facebook birthdays…. Love it!!
This is so awesome! id pick the medium one! and out all my list of to-do crochet projects and when they need to be done and all my other important things i have going on! i have to move house next month and i seem to be forgetting everything!!
What a wonderful idea the personlised planner is! I can have it start the month I choose, with the right size for me and enough space for notes and lists, etc. Love it!
This is SO COOL! I could seriously spend hours making changes and creating a masterpiece! Alas, have to take the kids to school. I ended up with a pale blue front with a magnolia, a blue ruler to match, lots of boxes, addresses in the back and blank pages because I like to doodle. These are fabulous and if I don’t win one I will have to beg my husband on bended knee to let me use the credit card (even though he has banned me from it for the next few months) so I can have one!
Wowsers!!! They are fantastic! I’d order one for my daughter plans on heading off to uni next year (I’m in denial about that!). It would have to be purple (her fav) and make use of the lists you can add to the bottom of each page (to keep track of those assignments). I can think of a few people who might just like one of these themselves …..me included : )
I think these are so great, and love the way your can personalise them. I think I’d have to have a photo cover 🙂 in a large format. I really love the way you can add all the different boxes to the bottom of the pages for to-do lists, etc. Very handy!
I clicked on your page and found this lovely planner that you can design and I loved it. This would be nice to have so I could keep track of my Appointments. I recently found out that I am a diabetic and have to keep track of my meals, medicine and sugar levels. It would be very nice to have to take with me when I have Appointments and don’t always have to carry around a ton of paper.
Oh I love these little books….which to chose…would choose the cover theme 9 in the lovely soft grey but which size?…uhm, that is the question! Would use the large size for a record of my daily bible studies, note taking…or…the small size to log my daily run mileage … so there you have it! ..
Despite the fact that I love digital, I keep a paper diary. It helps me keep track of not only my activities but also those of my WM, and my DD and her family. It stays open to the current week on my computer desk and WM can easily see what I’m up to if he needs to find me or make advanced plans!
I discovered personal planners a few weeks ago and loved the site – played with it for ages. I woulduse mine for all my planning and love the way i can change the extra bits at the bottom to include everything from my to dos to my workouts – LOVE!
Oh I love this!!! I am very picky aout planners so being able to choose format is wonderful!! I use a digital calendar for all appointments but I would love to use this to plan exercise, and craft activities. For this reason there are several options that I like best:
1. Space to put ideas – what to knit / sew , next / this week , esp coming up to xmas would be great to be able to plan gift-making.
2. Space to record workouts – expecting baby in Nov, will be planning workouts as soon as recovered!!
3. Square-ruled pages – love note-taking on squares, don’t know why. Also good for patchwork quilt doodle designs!
Also I like the way you can have your name on the front and choose the colours and themes. Perfect for a crafty mum, I can so see why you like this!! 🙂
I’m a stationery junkie and would probably upload a motivating picture of me and use it as a workout log 🙂
This is the most awesome planner ever!!! I love all the features of it. I would use mine to plan everyday stuff for the whole family, appointments, birthdays, etc. etc. It would be like my own personal bible, I love sitting down on a and organising and writing in diaries 🙂
I love to plan, to organise everything and to make to do lists. I’m a project manager in real life, so that might explain the tendency! This planner would come handy to plan what posts I want to publish on my blog and when.
Ooh – I would like one that is red and white and aqua!
I would need lots of space to write lists. And blank paper for drawings.
This is so totally cool!
I think this is such a great idea!
I would use the planner to keep up with my daily to do lists (which I write every morning with my coffee!) and all things to do with the kids, blogging and uni.
My personal planner arrived last week but it only starts from 23 July which is good because my family are giving it to me on my birthday which is 21 July !!!!! I loved that I could add all the birthdays / anniversaries so that they are printed on the relevant day without me having to go and add them all.
I am moving back to pen and paper diary as the iPhone diary is so bad when compared to the Blackberry diary – I used it all the time on my BB but now I have the iPhone I just don’t like the calendar function.
I love the size which is great to slip into my bag yet big enough to fit all the info on that I need to have on it between appointmens for the family and appointments clients make with me – all covered in one place !!!
Have a great day !
I love this. I always keep a diary to keep track of ideas an blog planning. I almost think this one is too pretty but I will manage. Rachel x
PS: Great giveaway.
Wow! I need a planner these days. Between three paid jobs, the P&C, starting up the Outside School Hours Care and the family, there’s no longer a spare minute left in the day unless I can plan for it. Soooo … I would choose that pretty cover with the bird on it and I think I would title my planner “Take a Number”. LOL
Great giveaway!!!
I would absolutely use mine as a blog planner. I like my online diary which synchs with my laptop, work desktop, iPad and IPhone but for working on my blog online, I prefer to write notes and work off them. This would be perfection. Like it was designed for me. Oh wait … 😉
My childhood (into adulthood) obsession ….. journals, pens, papers, organisers, forms etc etc. Yes, I was one of those kids that would steal all the deposit and withdrawal forms from the bank and go home and spend hours filling them in. I may have even been known to spend my pocket money on an invoice book … WITH CARBON. I may have!
I would use this on my kitchen bench for my everyday planner instead of my dodgy $5 diary from Officeworks.
Oooh! I need one! I am a planner addict; just can’t switch to electronic for organising my life. I’ve had such a great time going through all the options (green cover, pink text, A5, week to a view etc) and now I’m hooked! Love that you can have additional things like lists (LOVE lists) and ideas!