One of the first bags I made was a big colourful bag made from left over pieces of a quilt for Mr Happy. I joined all the squares and sandwiched it and quilted it as a panel. Then I folded it in half and made a bag.
Looking at it now, it isn’t very well done!!
But it has been our library bag for the last couple of years when I take the kids to the library. It is nice and big to fit in picture books. I have had to mend the straps a couple of times as they’ve been damaged by the weight of the loads!
These days I’m on the look out for books for an 8-year-old girl. She can read so well that she reads to herself every night in bed. But she tends to read a short chapter book a night! So I’m constantly popping back to the library for a new collection.
Luckily lots of books for young girls come in sets so when we find one we like, there are often more about the same character. These are some of our current favourites – all of which have more than one in the series.
Any other suggestions for books for an 8-year-old girl?
Ronald Dahl was popular with young people when I was teaching that age group!
And still is Lynne!