I’m a little behind on my Craftsy free quilt Block of the Month. Somehow we’re in June but I’m still catching up on the May blocks! But with a rainy public holiday here yesterday, I sat down to get them done. They are called Strippy Spools which kind of reminds of the Spool Block I made for my other quilt-block-a-month quilt, the Modern Blocks QuiltAlong.
The May block is actually 8 blocks of which 7 will be used in the final quilt design. These were super easy ones to cut and sew up so it was quite relaxing to make them. You can use up to 8 different fabrics in these blocks but I decided to go with 4 fabrics. This gave a nice mix without being all too different. You start with 2.5″ strips and end up with these clever triangles.
I can imagine using a smaller version of these in a quilt border perhaps. I like them! But I can’t wait to try the June block which is a LeMoyne Star block – a block I’ve never been quite brave enough to try! Stay tuned!
All the Blocks
If you want to join in this free block of the month, click on the picture below to go to Craftsy and sign up.