I’m a last-minute kinda girl. It might not be obvious here on the blog, but I often leave projects to the last minute and I long ago learned that I work best under pressure when I have a time limit. You would think I would learn to get better at this but somehow… no… I still wait until the last minute!
This week’s last-minute project? This pair of cross stitch Christmas ornaments that I started LAST YEAR before Christmas and still haven’t finished. Sigh.
They are for a couple of very cute boys in my family and will join all the other personalised ornaments that I have made over the years for my extended family. The Christmas tree just needs a name added to it, but the snowman has some more stitching needed. (Perhaps I should go and watch Annie with my Little Miss and stitch right now?)
Stacey-Lee was asking about the pattern for this on social media yesterday so I snapped a picture of it. It is one of a set of Christmas cross stitch patterns that I found in a book years ago and have since lost. I tried to find similar ones on Amazon to share so here’s some links if you’re after something similar.
You can see more of my cross stitch ornaments in this post and this one.
I find cross stitch to be so relaxing. It can take the edge of the holiday stress – and makes a great gift!